Fantasia Pool

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The trio was finally dropped off at Disney Worlds all star movie resort, they had checked in and so far... no obstacles, but Braeden still had a bad feeling.

The trio had settled into their room at the 101 Dalmatians section of the resort. It was quaint but cute, and filled with Disney magic.

"What do you guys think about heading to the pool!" Allie offered. "Could be relaxing before the first puzzle in Animal Kingdom tomorrow." She explained.

"Sounds good!" Ally replied, but Braeden still had a bad feeling.

The trio walked down to the pool in silence, this made Braeden realize that he wasn't the only one feeling uneasy.

The fantasia pool was decked out with brooms holding water buckets. The trio was surrounded by families with children, no monster would attack them in these conditions..right?

Just as Braeden had that thought he heard a BOOMING voice from the mickey statue across the pool.

"BRAEDEN SON OF APOLLO, ALLY DAUGHTER OF ATHENA AND ALLIE DAUGHTER OF DIONYSUS... WELCOME TO WALT DISNEY WORLD." A large voice yelled, nine women soon emerged from behind the Mickey statue... The muses.

Braeden scanned their surroundings, none of the mortals seemed to notice or be phased by this exchange.

"you go girls.." A voice that braeden couldn't figure out where it was coming from said.

"We are the muses, goddesses of the arts and proclaimers of hero's." The tallest muse said.

"Hero's like hercules." Another muse chimed in.

"Honey you mean Hunk-ules! WOOOHOO id like to make some SWEET music out of him!" The smallest muse said excitedly.

"We have been sent by demigod Walt Disney himself to determine if you three are hero's worthy enough to continue your quest to find Walt's frozen head!" The tallest muse began again.

"I'm sure you'll find you and Walt have a lot in common!" Another muse said towards Allie with a wink.

Allie was confused by the comment but elected to ignore it.

"So if we can't get passed you then we can't even continue our quest?" Allie asked.

"That's right girl, If you don't pass our test you kiddos can march right back to Olympus frozen headless." she explained.

"We are here to test your creativity and musical spirit." the muse explained. Braeden perked up when he heard the word musical.

"Now we won't kill you, but we won't make it easy... easy is not what Walt would want." Another muse explained.

"So let me get this straight.. this is just a test, no killing, no maiming?" Allie asked.

"Yes dear!" The tallest muse said.

"So will all our challenges be like this?" Ally asked hopefully.

"Nope! expect lots of maiming in your future!" The muse said with a smile.

Ally frowned in disappointment.

Braeden thought this muse sounded a lot like Lillias White who Braeden and Allie saw in hadestown on a previous field trip to Olympus, maybe she was a muses child.

"Our challenge for you is to blow us away with a song
that introduces a place or person." One of the muses began. "For example..."

"Back when the world was new
And planet Earth was down on its luck
And everywhere, gigantic brutes called Titans ran amuck" The Tallest muse sang.

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