We find out the truth

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Ally POV

Ally sat on the benches with Braeden. The party to welcome back the kids on their quest to retrieve zeus's lightning bolt was in full swing, the funeral shrouds had been burnt and the ice cream cake had been served.

"Hey guys!!" Allie said as she walked over to them, "The fireworks are officially in the hands of the hephaestus cabin so I am off duty for the rest of the night!" Allie said excitedly.

"Great job on all this, you really pulled out all the stops for these kids." Ally complimented.

"I mean, when was the last time we had a quest at like the world ending level, it's a pretty big deal." Allie said with a shrug.

Braeden raised his cup "To children cleaning up the messes of the gods!" He said with a laugh.

"I'll toast to that!" Allie said as the trio clinked their red solo cups together.

"The fireworks are starting!!" Ally said with excitement.

The fireworks put on by the hephaestus kids lit up the night sky.

"Hey sorry to interrupt.." Annabeth Chase said as she approached the older demigods.

"Don't be sorry! It's your party!" Ally said with a smile.

"Do you know what Percy and Luke are doing going into the forest?" Annabeth asked.

The trios head whipped to the direction of the trees and saw Percy being lead by Luke into the woods.

Allie turned back with confusion. "No-Not at all.." Allie said.

"Luke has been.. I don't know weird lately.." Allie continued.

"You know.. you've got that hat of yours.." Ally began.

Allie's eyes lit up. "Think you could do a little spying for us Annabeth?" She asked hopefully.

"Absolutely!" Annabeth said as she pulled out her hat and placed it on her head. One the baseball cap was on Annabeth had quickly turned invisible.

The trio assumed Annabeth had scurried into the forest to follow Percy and Luke.

"Something doesn't feel right.." Braeden said with a sigh. Because Braeden was a child of Apollo Ally trusted his judgment, even though everyone could have prophetic feelings, she figured she'd ask Braeden about it later.

"I'm sure everything's fine, maybe they're just getting some quiet, this party is pretty loud.." Allie said trying to reassure.


Ally was getting another cupcake from the snack table when she heard a russel in the bushes. She looked around but didn't see anybody.

Suddenly Annabeth took off her Yankee cap and materialized next to Ally.

"We need a councilor meeting, gather them all up and meet us at the Big House. Stat." Annabeth told the older girl.

Ally nodded and began to gather up her friends.

She approached Braeden and Allie sitting where they were before. "Guys Annabeth is calling a councilor meeting, she seems pretty serious.." Ally said slowly.

Braeden and Allie nodded and started walking towards the Big House.

Braeden and Allie turned back to face Ally. "Are you coming?" Allie asked.

"I'm not a councilor.." Ally replied.

"Come on, you WERE you only gave up the position to be nice your like an horary councilor, you deserve to be at the meetings as much as we do." Braeden said.

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