Chapter 1

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In the midst of chaos, the thunderous roar of cannon fire reverberated across the sea, disrupting the tranquil expanse that had once hosted the HMS Endeavour in its proud glory. The relentless assault from the Dutchman and the Black Pearl bore down upon Lord Cutler Beckett's vessel, shattering his meticulously laid plans into a deluge of chaos and defeat.

"It's just... good business," Lord Beckett muttered, a hollow echo of resignation in his voice. He stood upon the deck, watching in stunned silence as his crew hesitated, paralyzed by the unforeseen betrayal unfolding before their very eyes.

Catherine stood aboard the Black Pearl, her gaze fixed on the spectacle. Her heart raced with a mix of horror and disbelief as the HMS Endeavour, under Beckett's command, faltered without retaliation. The pirates' barrage continued, each cannonball a cruel addition to the unfolding tragedy.

Then, the surreal scene shifted; amidst the calamity, Lord Beckett, composed and resolute, descended the steps of his ship, a stoic figure amid the chaos, facing impending death with an air of graceful acceptance. But fate had other plans.

A deafening blast tore through the air, hurling Beckett ablaze into the unforgiving sea, an ironic twist as he landed upon the flag of the East India Trading Company he had faithfully served.

Without hesitation, Catherine leaped from the Black Pearl, her dive aimed not at the chaos but toward the sinking flag. Lord Beckett, engulfed in flames and barely conscious, began to sink into the abyss.

Driven by determination, Catherine dove after him, her strokes cutting through the water with urgency. She wrapped his body around her neck, summoning every ounce of strength to lift him toward the surface. His limp form weighed heavy upon her, but she persisted, driven by an inexplicable desire to save him.

Gasping for breath, she hoisted Beckett onto a fragment of the sinking ship, her hands moving with urgency to revive him. "Lord Beckett!" she implored, her voice laced with urgency. "Breathe!"

As he coughed and sputtered, regaining consciousness, confusion clouded Beckett's eyes as he found himself in the company of a woman who appeared to be a pirate yet had just saved his life.

"Take a breath," Catherine's voice, tinged with relief and urgency, met his eyes with a determined gaze. "You're safe now. But we need to reach your remaining fleet safely."

Beckett, still reeling from the ordeal, managed to voice his concern. "Returning to my ships means certain arrest for you. Piracy is a crime punishable by death."

"But I'm not a pirate." Catherine said, and when her words received no response from Beckett, Catherine's gaze met his with steely resolve. "I saved your life. Grant me clemency," she implored softly, her touch gentle yet firm.

He searched her eyes, grappling with her plea. "What is your name?"

"The pirates know me as Anna Cortez."

"But you claimed not to be a pirate," he pressed.

"Trust me," Catherine urged, a hint of urgency in her voice. "I need your protection until I can prove it to you."

Beckett winced in pain, his resolve wavering. "You've piqued my curiosity, for despite my reputation, protecting is inherent to me." Although he was used to protecting cargo, assets, and influence, he had not been exposed to the idea of protecting a woman before. But some hidden part of him was unlocked this day, and it somehow gave him strength.

Catherine continued, sweetening the deal. "By saving your life, I've paved the way for you to eliminate more pirates, expand your company's influence. All I ask is your protection. I know you are not a man to walk away from a good business deal."

Beckett grimaced, begrudgingly acknowledging her words. "You understand me well."

Catherine replied, "You are legendary, Lord Cutler Beckett. Everyone knows you, but not everyone hates you."

Pirates: The One Where Lord Cutler Beckett Wins (& There's Romance)Where stories live. Discover now