Chapter 21

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Several days later, Catherine found herself in Lord Beckett's office, engaged in a hushed conversation about the events of the raid at Phantom Cave while others carried on with their tasks nearby.

"He intends to target your alliances, cripple them one by one," she revealed, alluding to Blackbeard's plan.

Lord Beckett's voice was soft and deliberate. "Given the situation," he began, idly twirling the weathered wedding invitation recovered from Blackbeard's lair, "I don't want you partaking in any further field missions. You'll remain in Port Royal with me, safe under my protection. Your focus will be on strategic planning."

"Of course Cutler, I will remain here with you," Catherine said in agreement.

Taking a breath, she continued, "Darling, during the raid, our teams discovered a black spell book amidst Blackbeard's hoard. I'm acquainted with most of its contents. These are dark and perilous arts. While I have studied them, I strongly discourage their utilization recklessly. Nevertheless, there might be a spell or two that could serve our purposes."

"Fascinating," he said, flipping through the book. "Perhaps we could leverage it to our advantage. Ensure it's secured under lock and key, my dear. Such artifacts typically harbor unforeseen dangers."

Shifting the topic, Lord Beckett turned to Catherine. "I believe it's time we discuss a rather intriguing development. I've been utilizing Sparrow's compass to help us uncover clandestine hideouts. It's guided us and our Spanish allies to hidden coves, pirate sanctuaries tucked away in uncharted territories and subterranean refuges. Progress has been made; much of the pirate population, save Blackbeard's faction, is dwindling. Still, he continues to elude us. However," Beckett paused for emphasis, "Following last night's raid, it inexplicably points toward Shipwreck Cove, despite its inhabitants being at odds with Blackbeard."

"Clearly indicating an alliance between Blackbeard and the other factions," Catherine responded.

"Exactly," Beckett concurred. "Although I'd be surprised if their unified front endures. But why Shipwreck Cove, knowing we've already uncovered it?"

"Well one reason is that they've fortified it, rendering it impregnable for years," Catherine stated matter-of-factly. "It's logical they'd maintain it as a sanctuary; our previous attempts with a massive fleet failed to breach their defenses. We require a tactic to draw them out, and after the last encounter, they won't emerge willingly."

"Then coercion is our only recourse," Beckett pondered.

At that moment, Lieutenant Groves entered with news. "Sir, we've scoured the concealed coves and remote islands as per your instructions. We've detained several small pirate crews."

"Excellent work; the pirate populace is unquestionably waning," Lord Beckett noted. "Our focus must now zero in on Blackbeard and his remaining crew."

Groves added, "We also stumbled upon a peculiar artifact. In the reefs near the point of Davy Jones' demise, we found this sword. I believe it's familiar to you."

"Ahh, Admiral Norrington's sword. Yes, an old friend," Beckett remarked. He carefully placed the sword in its designated case. "Stow this aboard the HMS Acquisition. The admiral's sword belongs at sea."

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