Chapter 3

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As the meticulous housemaids fastened the new silk and lace gown around Catherine's slender frame, preparing her for the evening rendezvous with Lord Beckett, she couldn't help but feel as if she were living in some fantastical tale. Her knowledge of Lord Beckett stemmed solely from the narratives woven within rumors among the Black Pearl and pirate circles: a man notorious for his unyielding pursuit in eradicating pirates and their accomplices. She too, was working towards that same goal, but she never expected to be entering Lord Beckett's life, especially as his life was supposed to end. She saw and took that opportunity to save it.

Was it a death interrupted, or fate intervening?

Despite being reviled by many, an inexplicable magnetism drew her towards him. It wasn't merely his commanding confidence and intelligence that captivated her, but the discernible, sophisticated brand of masculinity within him. She knew she could unleash that part of him, but also respect him deeply as he was. This impending dinner held the promise of an enduring connection.

Beckett was a man even his own family had scorned, propelling himself to ascend to the title of Lord and Chairman of the East India Trading Company, and, until recently, ruler of the seas as well. The absence of affection in his life manifested in his unyielding rigidity and closed-off demeanor.

Catherine strolled into the ornate parlor where Lord Beckett awaited, the flicker of candlelight casting shadows across the room. Beckett stood by his desk, his notebook in hand, likely musing over forthcoming conquests or lucrative transactions. He didn't have to be made aware of her entry, he simply knew, and turned to greet her.

"Miss Torres, a pleasure as always," Beckett greeted her warmly, his eyes captivated by her new dress and look.

"Lord Beckett," Catherine replied with a gracious smile, her eyes briefly scanning the antique furnishings of the room, all in good order. "I trust you had a productive day?"

Beckett set the notebook aside, a trace of amusement touching his lips. "Productive, indeed. The ceaseless tides of paperwork, a perpetual symphony in the life of a bureaucrat."

Catherine chuckled softly. "Yes, the joys of administrative melodies. I hope our evening brings a welcome reprieve."

"Indeed, a brief respite amidst the heavy burdens of responsibility," Beckett agreed, gesturing toward the dining area. "Shall we, Miss Torres?"

"With pleasure, my Lord," Catherine smiled brightly, matching his gesture as they made their way to the awaiting dinner, the air thick with the promise of intriguing conversation and shared moments.

The ambiance of the opulent dining room was orderly and refined, an extension of Beckett himself, yet the soft glow of candles casted an intimate aura, perfect for sharing information held close to the heart. Seated across from each other, Catherine and Lord Beckett engaged in a conversation that seemed a delicate mixture of sincerity and underlying intentions.

"This dish is truly exquisite, Lord Beckett. One I have not had the privilege to enjoy in many months whilst on the Black Pearl. Your chefs have remarkable skill in the subtleties of flavors," she complimented.

Beckett inclined his head in acknowledgment, an aura of intrigue behind his composed demeanor. "Your discernment in matters of taste is commendable, Miss Torres. It is a quality that extends beyond culinary delights, I'm sure."

The comment hung in the air, pregnant with unspoken implications. Catherine arched an eyebrow, a faint smile tugging at the corners of her lips.

"Indeed, my interests reach far beyond the flavors on one's palate," she said, her tone carrying a sincerity that transcended their earlier banter. "Lord Beckett, in our pursuits, we often find allies in unexpected places. Wouldn't you agree?"

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