Chapter 27

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Lord Beckett boarded the HMS Acquisition the following day, his crew ready for orders. As he opened his enchanted compass, his one desire was to run into Jack Sparrow unawares. Issuing instructions to the crew, they charted a course for a remote port, where Jack reveled in a tavern, regaling tales amidst tankards of rum with fellow pirates and charming women.

In the midst of his revelry, Jack's expression shifted from delight to concern upon spotting a familiar face – Lieutenant Groves and his East India Trading Company men. Reluctantly, Jack followed them out, escorted to Beckett's office aboard his ship, where the strategist lord perused maps with his usual studious demeanor. As the guards ushered Jack in, Lord Beckett greeted him.

"Captain Sparrow, a pleasure," Beckett acknowledged. Cutting straight to the matter he continued, "I couldn't help but notice that your beloved Black Pearl is not as formidable as it once was. A shame, truly."

Raising an eyebrow, Jack met Beckett's comment with suspicion. "And what's that got to do with you?"

"Everything, Captain," Beckett replied assuredly. "You see, I happen to possess Blackbeard's spell book, a powerful artifact that could restore your ship to its former glory."

Jack feigned indifference, retorting, "Oh, you've got a fancy book. Why should I believe you?"

With a slight smirk, Beckett continued his pitch. "Because, dear Captain Sparrow, I believe in mutually beneficial arrangements. I'm willing to share the secrets within this book with you, restoring your ship's power. All I ask in return is a small favor."

Intrigued, Jack leaned in. "A favor, you say?"

"Indeed," Beckett affirmed. "I need a distraction, a spectacle that will keep the pirate lords occupied. You're quite skilled in the art of creating chaos, aren't you?

Grinning, Jack paced around the office. "Distraction and chaos? My specialties. But what's in it for me, besides a spell in a shiny book?"

Leaning back, Beckett considered. "Ah, Captain Sparrow, always the astute negotiator. If you assist me in orchestrating this distraction and ensuring Blackbeard's ascension as Pirate King, not only will I share the secrets of the spell with you, but I'll also guarantee the safety of your precious Pearl in the upcoming conflict."

Jack, ever suspicious, narrowed his eyes. "Safety, eh? I might be inclined. But there's always a catch."

Beckett met Jack's gaze evenly. "No catch, Captain. Just a simple arrangement. Help me create a distraction among the pirate lords, ensure Blackbeard's election, and your ship shall regain its former glory. A fair trade, wouldn't you say?"

Agreeing cautiously, Jack added his caveat. "Fair indeed. But remember, Beckett, Jack Sparrow always has his own agenda. Savvy?"

With a smile, Beckett ended the exchange. "Savvy, Captain Sparrow. Until next we meet."

Jack Sparrow's departure from the Acquisition unfolded as planned. Outside, Blackbeard's eyes fixated on the East India Trading Company's ship with its strikingly elegant and orderly sails. An unexpected surge of jealousy coursed through him at the sight, fueled by thoughts of Beckett aboard that vessel. Despite Jack's purported task of gathering intel from Beckett, Blackbeard saw an opportunity to deal a final blow to Beckett by seizing the Acquisition for himself. Gripping his hand around his magical sword, a calculated plan formed in his mind as he moved his ship to tail the Acquisition.

As the Acquisition set sail, its sails billowed against the brisk sea breeze. Lord Beckett, standing on the quarterdeck, watched the horizon, his thoughts consumed by the recent parley with Jack Sparrow. A faint smile played upon his lips, a rare sight hinting at his confidence in the negotiations.

From a concealed inlet, Blackbeard's Queen Anne's Revenge emerged, its ominous silhouette carving through the waves. Blackbeard, wielding the power of his enchanted sword, took command of his ship, an aura of dark energy swirling around him.

Spotting Beckett's vessel, Blackbeard's eyes narrowed, his gaze fixated on the Acquisition. With a bellowing command, he ordered an attack, unleashing the supernatural powers of his sword upon the sea.

The ocean churned and rose, waves swelling to monstrous heights. An ethereal glow emanated from Blackbeard's sword, calling forth a whirlpool, an onslaught of otherworldly power aimed at the Acquisition.

Sensing the imminent threat, Beckett maintained composure but swiftly comprehended the impending peril. Seeking recourse, his hand found the compass, expected to yield to his greatest desire. With a sense of urgency, he held the compass aloft, its needle pointed decidedly toward an exit point.

In a revelation, Beckett ordered his crew to follow his heading. As the Queen Anne's Revenge unleashed its fury upon the seas, Beckett used the compass to tap into its mystical properties to navigate through the violent waters wrought by Blackbeard's sorcery.

The Acquisition surged, maneuvering through the roiling waves under Beckett's adept command of the compass. The whirlpool's wrath attempted to ensnare the ship, but Beckett's newfound understanding of the compass's abilities served as the cure in the storm. Amidst the tumult, Beckett's mind processed the implications of this newfound knowledge.

With a roar of frustration, Blackbeard ceased his attack, the dark energies dissipating as the Queen Anne's Revenge retreated, the seas calming once more.

Beckett observed the fading silhouette of Blackbeard's ship, acknowledging the thwarted power play. As the Acquisition continued its course, the winds carrying it away from the tumultuous encounter, Beckett's steely resolve remained unshaken, knowing well that his dealings with the unpredictable forces of piracy and sorcery were far from over.

Pirates: The One Where Lord Cutler Beckett Wins (& There's Romance)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant