Chapter 10

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The days whisked by swiftly, and soon enough, Lord Beckett found himself ensconced in his office with colleagues planning the unveiling of his new vessel, the flagship of the East India Trading Company – the HMS Acquisition. This would be a ship that expanded upon his earlier Endeavour, making it even more powerful, aerodynamic and resilient. Plans developed across polished tables, parchment strewn with meticulously inked designs and meticulous logistics.

Themes of elegance intermingled with security considerations as they strategized the ship's presentation. Deliberations spiraled around optimal routes for the unveiling procession, contemplating the perfect vantage points for dignitaries and spectators to behold the vessel's debut.

Discussions ensued, each colleague contributing expertise. Commodore Wesley delved into security protocols, emphasizing the need for vigilant surveillance to ward off potential disruptions. Lieutenant Groves, meticulously jotting notes, outlined the ceremonial protocol, ensuring every detail of the event adhered to Lord Beckett's high standards of precision and excellence.

Lord Beckett guided the discussions with a calculating gaze, meticulously navigating the dialogue. "The unveiling must demonstrate an air of grandeur and power," he articulated, his voice a command wrapped in assuredness. "The HMS Acquisition shall stand to represent the East India Trading Company's supremacy."

Suddenly the sanctity of Lord Beckett's office was interrupted as the doors swung open, admitting Catherine and her elite agents. "My Lord," she addressed, her tone deferential yet urgent, "We bring news of the capture of Tortuga."

"Proceed," Lord Beckett beckoned, his fingers motioning towards her to come forward.

"Our mission was highly successful. The port is under our control. We've apprehended notorious pirate crews, dismantling their hold," Catherine reported, pleased with her triumph. "Tortuga is now a bastion of safety, awaiting the return of lawful commerce."

"So, the pirates are made aware of your allegiance shift," Lord Beckett remarked with a calculated curiosity.

"It seems so. However, some urgent news demands your attention. The Black Pearl, bereft of Davy Jones' influence after his death, is fading in power. Its potency diminishes daily, vulnerable like never before."

"Excellent," Lord Beckett declared, a glint of ambition in his eyes. "With the Pearl's wane, our focus narrows to the Dutchman."

"Not exactly," Catherine countered. "We've uncovered another interesting finding at Tortuga." She unraveled a pistol from her bag. "This pistol belongs to the fearsome pirate Blackbeard, who is known for his use of black magic and evil mystical practices. But it's not just any pistol. A shot from this damns the victim to an eternal realm beyond this life where they exist for eternity... some sort of afterlife, where they can never enter the earthly realm again."

Beckett grasped the pistol, intrigued.

"There's only one bullet, so use it wisely." Catherine warned.

"Likely for Sparrow," Beckett mused, envisioning the end of Jack's interference.

"Or Blackbeard himself." Catherine countered. "Do not be complacent, my Lord. Blackbeard is a formidable pirate. I was once held captive on his infamous vessel, the Queen Anne's Revenge, during my tenure aboard the Black Pearl. He wields certain dark powers, courtesy of a sword blessed by the sea god Triton. With it, he commands his ship and the surrounding seas."

Lord Beckett, his curiosity piqued, leaned in. "The sword, elaborate further, Catherine."

"The sword grants him unparalleled dominion over the seas. He wields its power with his mind, enabling him to sink ships, conjure diversions, and even manipulate the environment to become treacherous. With the sword's influence, he can command his ship to execute his will instantly, all controlled by the power of his thoughts. He keeps the sword on him at all times." Catherine explained.

His calculating gaze fixated on Catherine, contemplating the significance of Blackbeard's supernatural leverage in the vast tapestry of his ambitions. The mention of such mystical forces resonated deeply within Beckett's strategic pursuits, warranting careful consideration in his quest for trade freedom and the East India Trading Company's dominance over the seas.

"Your insights are commendable, Catherine," Beckett commended. "But what of Sparrow and the Compass?"

"Sparrow slipped away, but I managed to secure this," she tossed the compass to Beckett.

"Ah, the enchanted compass! The very device that leads to whatever my heart desires most," Lord Beckett reflected, taking hold of it with familiarity. "A tool we will use to secure new trade routes, find pirate strongholds and secure our dominance of the seas." He opened the compass as Catherine began to wrap up her belongings.

"Curious," he observed, noticing the needle's inexplicable deviation. "Catherine, would you mind bringing me my letter opener?"

Catherine dutifully went to fetch the letter opener as Lord Beckett watched the compass needle follow her direction.

"And my tea?" he pointed in the opposite direction.

Becoming frustrated, she went to fetch him his tea, as the compass needle continued to follow her movements.

"Damn," Lord Beckett said, snapping the compass shut. 

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