Chapter 6

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Catherine stood before the full-length mirror preparing for her dinner with Lord Beckett. Being dressed in a gown tailored for the night's affairs, Catherine stood amidst the whirlwind of silk and lace, her every move choreographed by the diligent hands of housemaids. The layers of fabric cascaded around her like a waterfall, each fold expertly placed to frame her slender form.

The gown she chose, a masterful creation of satin in midnight blue, flowed in gentle waves to the floor, accentuating her toned silhouette while leaving enough room for the effortless grace of a dancer. The bodice was intricately embroidered with delicate silver filigree, shimmering like stardust in the candlelight.

Her fingers traced the neckline, a modest yet tantalizing plunge that accentuated the curve of her collarbone. A gentle sigh escaped her lips as she adjusted a lock of dark, glossy hair that framed her face. The tendrils curled softly, framing her features with a touch of sophistication that matched the gown's refinement.

The housemaids flitted around her, their nimble fingers fastening buttons and adjusting drapery, their whispered conversations adding to the atmosphere of anticipation. Amidst their murmurs, she caught snippets of speculation: "The future Lady Beckett?" "Never seen him with a lady friend before. Works in his company, doesn't she?" Catherine dismissed the gossip, as the words made her heart expand so much, she wondered if she could physically endure it.

Yet, Catherine knew that tonight's rendezvous would be special. Lord Cutler Beckett, her object of affection and new business partner, awaited her in the opulent dining room. Every moment with him was special to her.

As housemaids cinched the final corset strings, Catherine exhaled slowly, allowing a wave of calm to wash over her. She was ready, not just in her attire but in the resolve that steered her heart.

Entering the dining room, Lord Beckett greeted her with a polite kiss on the cheek, inviting her to take her seat. Pouring a glass of wine, he spoke, "We made remarkable strides in our business discussions today. I was hoping we could take this evening to delve deeper into one another's worlds."

Seated, he continued, "Your command of English is nearly impeccable, given your Spanish heritage."

"My mother is English, actually," she explained, "and my father, a Spanish financier."

Curiosity sparked in his eyes as he inquired about her entry into espionage.

"I've always yearned for a safer world," Catherine explained. "Piracy, encountered on my father's sea ventures, robbed us and many others of that safety. I envision a world where people aspire to elevate themselves and the lives of those around them. Business activities hold the power to uplift others, to enhance their standards of living and infuse their work with purpose. Piracy, more often than not, unravels all the good we strive to create."

"I agree," Lord Beckett responded. "Trade, my dear Catherine, is the cornerstone of civilization's future. A realm devoid of warfare or tribal discord, one governed by alliances forged through commerce. Such alliances offer mutual prosperity. Piracy, on the other hand, disrupts the very essence of this delicate balance."

"I fully agree." Catherine paused, considering the weight of their shared endeavors before redirecting the discussion. "And what propels your ascent through the East India Trading Company's ranks?"

Beckett's gaze held a calculated pause, his eyes betraying a story beyond his composed exterior. "Ambition, dear Catherine. It propels me to reshape this world with the principles of order and prosperity."

In that moment, Catherine recognized a secret concealed behind Beckett's polished façade. She chose to venture further into the unexplored realms of his motivations. "A noble pursuit, my Lord, not much unlike mine. But does ambition alone fuel such resolve in your mission?"

Pirates: The One Where Lord Cutler Beckett Wins (& There's Romance)Where stories live. Discover now