Chapter 13

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The evening sun set upon the horizon marking the end of the workday as the spacious meeting room within the East India Trading Company headquarters was filled with hushed discussions and the rustling of papers. Lord Beckett stood at the head of the conference table flipping through a sheaf of parchment, overlooking the detailed sketches of the Governor's Mansion.

"Groves, Wesley," Beckett addressed the two officers. "The security of the Governor's Mansion on and preceding our wedding day is paramount. We can't afford any disruptions, especially from Elizabeth Swann."

Lieutenant Groves nodded, his expression solemn. "Understood, my Lord. Our best personnel are stationed strategically around the estate, ensuring heightened vigilance in key areas."

Wesley added, "Reinforcements and vigilant checkpoints have been established. No unauthorized entry will be tolerated. Any pirate activity will be met with swift arrests, adhering to our laws."

"A well-coordinated plan," Catherine praised. "Thank you all for your efforts. Let's maintain utmost discretion in our security measures. We don't want our guests to feel uncomfortable on such a joyful occasion."

Lord Beckett turned to Catherine, a softness in his voice. "Of course, my dear. We will prioritize the safety of our guests without compromising their comfort." Turning to his officers he said, "Groves, Wesley, you are dismissed for the evening."

As the officers excited, a servant entered the room carrying an elegant wooden box of delicate fabric samples and intricate designs. Lord Beckett eagerly gestured for Catherine to join him in reviewing the choices.

"We want nothing but the finest for this occasion," Lord Beckett explained as they flipped through the samples. "Every detail should reflect the elegance and grace representing our union."

Catherine thoughtfully examined the fabrics with ease and happiness, occasionally sharing her preferences with Lord Beckett. The couple's shared enthusiasm was evident in the way they coordinated their visions for the wedding. And it was apparent that while Lord Beckett meticulously attended to every lavish detail, the security measures were equally thorough, yet discreet, reflecting his desire for both the grandeur of the event and the simultaneous capture of Elizabeth Swann. 

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