Chapter 26

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At home later that evening, Lady Catherine and Lord Beckett shared a quiet dinner, a moment to reconnect and review the events of their day. Catherine had returned home a bit earlier than Beckett, slipping into a comfortable yet stunning satin wrap dress before their meal.

Since their marriage, Catherine had adopted a habit of sitting to the right of Lord Beckett rather than across from him, choosing this position because it allowed her to be closer to him and to read his emotions better.

"Your presence is a welcome respite after a long day," Lord Beckett replied, as they savored their meal together.

"Thank you so much my love," Catherine responded, gently resting her hand on his. "I always crave your presence as well." She turned her attention to him, inquisitive about his day. "How were the negotiations with the Spanish leaders?" she inquired.

"Admiral Lozada is more amenable to our terms than anticipated," Lord Beckett shared.

"That's wonderful news," she responded.

He continued, "However, there's an intriguing development. My team made a curious discovery – Jack Sparrow's tricorn hat was found amongst the wreckage. It seems our elusive pirate has left us a message or, perhaps, a challenge."

"Jack Sparrow can be a fickle ally. It's evident he placed his precious hat with intent. He can prove valuable yet unpredictable – entirely self-interested and loyal only to his own whims. He has betrayed you on two separate occasions, and it was under his command that the Black Pearl aimed its cannons at your ship. I was there when it happened, and the memory of it still weighs heavily on me." She paused reflectively before redirecting the conversation, "I'm curious, what are your strategies concerning our friend Jack?"

"I'll arrange a surprise meeting with him. Although Sparrow's history proves rather untrustworthy, in our pursuit of objectives, manipulation prevails over blind trust. I'll use his desires to our advantage, steering him where we need him to go, not where he'd willingly tread," Beckett explained.

"Cunning plan, my love. Sparrow's motivations, elusive as they are, often align with self-preservation... and the things he loves most."

"Indeed, Catherine. Sparrow's tendency to safeguard his own interests often coincides with our strategic objectives. I'll orchestrate a rendezvous, manipulating Sparrow into serving our interests, despite his allegiances," Beckett stated confidently.

As Lord Beckett contemplated their upcoming strategy, Catherine gently placed her utensils down, meeting his gaze along the candlelit table. "Cutler, darling, I've received promising news. My agents report that the pirate lords plan to convene at Shipwreck Cove. They're already gathering from various corners of the seas."

Lord Beckett raised an eyebrow in interest. "And what precisely draws them to such a gathering?"

"It seems Blackbeard is demanding leadership if they are to unite. The pirates are considering holding elections for a new Pirate King," Catherine relayed.

"An ambitious demand," Beckett pondered, swirling the wine in his glass. "Blackbeard's hunger for power knows no limits. Intriguing that it aligns with our current ventures."

"Indeed," Catherine acknowledged, her thoughts already racing with the potential implications. "This could be a pivotal chance to gather all the pirates in one place."

"We must monitor this closely," Beckett remarked, already formulating strategies as he contemplated the significance of the pirate lords' assembly.

As they finished their conversations and the evening darkened, Catherine took Lord Beckett's hand and led him upstairs. In their bedroom, Mrs. Ashgrove was putting the final touches on the sheets as they entered.

"Thank you so much, Mrs. Ashgrove," Catherine acknowledged with a smile as the housekeeper exited the room.

She glanced at Lord Beckett as he prepared his evening routine. His mind was always a focused and organized system, and predicting his every move had become second nature to her.

"Darling, I thought we might do something a little different tonight," Catherine proposed.

"What did you have in mind, my dear?" Lord Beckett inquired, a hint of curiosity in his tone.

She untied her wrap dress, letting it slip seductively off her shoulders and then pool at her feet. Gracefully stepping out of the dress, she walked to the prepared bathtub with a glint of playful mischief in her eyes.

"I have more good news to share. Would you care to hear it?" she teased, looking back at him.

Momentarily taken aback by the surprise, Lord Beckett quickly regained his composure. "Oh, I most certainly would," he replied, intrigued.

She gestured for him to join her, the tub filled with oils and scented flowers. She sat on the edge of the tub, waiting for him as he undressed, then warmly invited him in.

As they settled in, Catherine began a gentle massage on his shoulders. "I've been studying Blackbeard's spell book today and stumbled upon something intriguing," she shared.

"Go on," Lord Beckett encouraged, his interest growing on all fronts.

She turned to face him, and running her hands up his chest, gave him a slow, sensual kiss. "I've come across a spell that can summon a storm, flooding Shipwreck Cove for 40 days and nights," she said, she revealed, watching his reaction intently.

"It will force them to evacuate," she revealed, her eyes fixed on Lord Beckett.

Lord Beckett's expression shifted, considering the potential impact. "The perfect strategic advantage. Well done, my dear," he commended.

Straddling him with her legs, he inhaled sharply as she gently slid down on his lap. During their intimate moment, she leaned closer. "But it requires us to confront our deepest fears, desires, and hidden truths. Are you willing to delve into that with me?" she asked softly.

"I'm prepared to delve into those depths, Catherine." He said, kissing her softly.

"Good," she replied simply, their closeness palpable.

He added, "One more thing."

"Yes?" she responded, her voice hushed.

"Going forward," he paused to kiss her again, "I want all my briefings from you to be delivered in this manner."

She playfully smiled, and then softly whispered in his ear, "That can be arranged."

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