Chapter 17

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The day had been a whirlwind of emotions for Lord and Lady Beckett, and at last they were able to return for the day to their estate. As the carriage bearing the newlyweds arrived at their estate, a cadre of loyal servants awaited them, standing in two neat rows, their attire immaculate. The head butler, Mr. Winthrop, stood at the forefront, ready to extend a respectful welcome to the newlyweds. He stepped forward with a gentle bow as Lord Beckett stepped from the carriage, followed by Lady Beckett.

"Welcome home, my Lord, my Lady," Winthrop greeted, his tone both deferential and warm. Behind him, the staff offered nods and curtsies, showing their reverence for their esteemed employers' return.

"Thank you, Winthrop. It's good to be home," Lord Beckett said, his tone reflecting a sense of satisfaction.

Catherine Beckett, standing beside her husband, responded with gratitude. "Indeed, it's a pleasure to be back. Thank you, Winthrop, and all of you," she gestured to the staff, "for maintaining the estate in our absence. Your diligent work is greatly appreciated."

Guards greeted the couple as they entered the main doors, standing at attention. Lord Beckett ascended the steps, with Catherine on his arm, and ushered her across the threshold to their now joined estate. The moon, radiant and high, illuminated their path as Lord Beckett guided Catherine towards the master bedroom.

Inside, the room emanated elegance, set up by the housemaids with freshly adorned floral arrangements, soft candlelight and a finely set table bearing a bottle of Madeira wine and two ornate glasses.

Alone at last, Lord Beckett took off his jacket and unbuckled his sword, placing them meticulously in the armoire. Responding, Catherine calmly reached under her dress and removed the concealed pistol she had holstered on her thigh.

In his characteristic introspective calmness, he approached the table and poured the wine, offering a celebratory glass to Catherine.

"From now on, this bedroom is our sanctuary," he said calmly, subtly acknowledging her transition from the guest room to their shared space.

"Indeed," Catherine replied softly, taking a slow sip of the wine as she envisioned that future. The prospect of sharing each night with him from now on ignited a spark of anticipation, a newfound freedom to openly embrace their love.

She drew closer, enveloping Lord Beckett in an embrace. "Nothing could make me happier than spending eternity at your side," she confessed with genuine warmth.

"To share my life with you is an honor," he responded tenderly. "I am blessed to call you mine."

"All that I am belongs to you and you alone," she responded, inviting his closeness.

With a silent affirmation, Lord Beckett delicately took the glass from her hand, placing it aside. Gently, he guided her in a poised turn within his embrace.

"Your elegance was unparalleled at the reception," Lord Beckett praised, teasingly loosening the ribbon that held her hair, allowing it to cascade down their shoulders. "Our united presence," he continued, "the way you conveyed our purpose with an otherworldly grace, entranced everyone present."

"I stand always by your side, for your dreams, goals and ambitions are also mine," she responded.

"I am so very fortunate," he whispered. She felt his hands behind her back, gently undoing her delicate white dress. Soon, it fell to the floor, and her corset followed.

Their eyes met revealing the tension and longing between them, and Lord Beckett pulled her close, kissing her softly, taking in her beauty and sensuality which was now all his. Her body responded to him, softening at his touch and waiting for this moment to finally explore her love for him freely. She wrapped her arms around his back and felt the stubble on his cheek brush against her as he kissed down her neck.

Pirates: The One Where Lord Cutler Beckett Wins (& There's Romance)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang