Chapter 4

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Catherine awakened from her slumber as the morning sun streamed through the gossamer curtains of her bedroom. The soft luxury of the bed beneath her served as a stark contrast to the rough hammocks and secluded corners she had grown accustomed to aboard pirate ships. She arose happily, feeling the gentle warmth of the morning light as she approached the open window, captivated by the lengths of green serene scenery outside.

In the distance, her eyes caught Lord Beckett riding his prized white horse, his silhouette casting an imposing yet graceful figure in the early morning light. An amused smile crossed her face. Catherine admired the way he commanded the stallion with practiced ease, a quality that, she was sure extended beyond mere horsemanship.

Although she yearned for more of him, she also felt a peaceful satisfaction just knowing he was around. With that satisfaction, she began her morning routine. She moved gracefully through her room, performing a series of stretching exercises towards the sun, each fluid motion displaying a blend of agility and strength. Then she began her exercise practice, a mix of martial arts and ballet, which was a practice of disciplined movements that evoked powerful harmony of flow and control.

Emerging from her exercises, Catherine took a moment to relish the peace that lingered in the morning air. She decided to savor the beauty of the nature within Lord Beckett's garden, with a short walk of mindfulness. The soft fragrance of flowers and herbs wafted through the air as she strolled leisurely along the cobblestone paths, her mind lost in the serenity of the moment.

Returning from her walk in the garden, she prepared for the day ahead. A refreshing bath revitalized her, and she emerged dressed in elegant attire, ready for intentional, purposeful work. She had no intentions of staying in her room or the library today; she was eager to do something productive.

Guided by an inherent sense of direction, Catherine found herself drawn to Lord Beckett's study, where he was absorbed in his maps and strategies. His presence was commanding, his focus intense, and she couldn't help but admire his steadfast dedication to his goals.

She gave a gentle tap on the door, signifying her presence.

"Ah, Miss Torres," Lord Beckett welcomed her, gesturing for her to join him. "Your insights are needed. I've been mapping Shipwreck Cove, as you know, the largest congregation of pirates, identifying weaknesses and less guarded areas that could be swiftly penetrated by a fleet. What intelligence can you contribute to my assessment?"

Catherine, moving with an introspective grace that always caught Beckett's attention, approached him, her eyes fixed on the map. As she drew closer, he couldn't help but notice her feminine yet purposeful movements and the meticulous care she took in addressing his request. With a thoughtful expression, she delicately traced the coastlines and strategic points on the map. Her proximity seemed to create a subtle tension in the air between them.

"Here, let me mark the territories where pirates have traditionally sought refuge. These areas offer the most accessible points based on hidden geographical features and land formations. The weapons armory lies here. Captain Barbossa tends to retreat to this location, and Mistress Ching commands this part of the island." 

"And when they come under attack?" Beckett inquired.

"Some flee to the inside over here, some will come out and fight," Catherine explained. "Obviously we would want them all to come out somehow. Elizabeth Swann will fight. She despises you and will stop at nothing to defeat you, particularly protect Will Turner."

"Ah yes, Will Turner, the new captain of the Flying Dutchman," Beckett recalled. "He won't pose a threat unless Elizabeth is endangered. In this case, Elizabeth will most certainly be endangered, so we must neutralize the Flying Dutchman. Acquiring Turner's heart in this case won't have the same effect as it did with Davy Jones'."

"The Flying Dutchman cannot be destroyed," Catherine informed. "Given its supernatural nature, it and the Black Pearl will always pose a threat, no matter how outgunned."

"There's always a way to bargain," Beckett said.

"Indeed, but a backup plan for supernatural threats is prudent," Catherine suggested.

Suddenly, Beckett's military associates Lt. Groves and Commodore Wesley burst into the room with urgent news.

"Lord Beckett, our attempts to retrieve Jack Sparrow and his compass have failed. Your orders, sir?" they inquired.

"Then bring the prisoners to the gallows. The next hanging is tomorrow, making it 537 for this week," Beckett declared, with a wry acknowledgement of the relentless task at hand. "We must find a way to take the port of Tortuga, the last pirate controlled port, and with it, Jack Sparrow."

Amidst the officers' dutiful demeanor, Catherine observed Lord Beckett's stringent anti-piracy proceedings.

"Seems like an eternity since we've witnessed a smile upon your face, Lord Beckett," noted Lieutenant Groves, casting a curious glance at Catherine. "Who might this intriguing foreign lady be?"

"This is Miss Catherine Torres, the Spanish intelligence agent who rescued me from the wreckage of the Endeavour. She has proven invaluable to our mission."

"A pleasure to meet you, Miss Torres," Lt. Groves and Commodore Wesley greeted.

Returning the greeting with a warm smile, she replied, "The pleasure is mine, gentlemen." Then, addressing Lord Beckett, she politely interjected, "If I may, Lord Beckett," preparing to offer a suggestion.

"Speak your mind," Lord Beckett invited, his tone carrying an air of authority.

"With regards to Sparrow's compass," Catherine thoughtfully began, "Perhaps an unconventional tactic might work," introducing a certain strategy learned from her time under the Marques Diaz. "Disguised as pirates, my operatives and I can infiltrate Tortuga, seizing control discreetly. We know the ins and outs; the pirates will drop their guard," she proposed with poise.

"A novel idea, Miss Torres," Lt. Groves acknowledged, intrigued by the plan's potential.

"An act that veers from our usual course," Lord Beckett remarked.

"This maneuver could grant us access to Sparrow and his compass without him being on guard. Sparrow, along with many other pirates, could be in your prisons the next morning, and the compass will be in your possession.  A swift and clandestine operation," Catherine argued, underscoring the urgency of their mission.

A contemplative silence settled in the room, the weight of Catherine's proposition lingering. Lord Beckett, torn between conventional methods and Catherine's bold stratagem, deliberated on their next move.

"And these agents?" Beckett finally inquired, his interest piqued.

"They will operate under my employ," Catherine responded, however suddenly realizing that with the Marques Diaz's demise, she lacked current employment.

Lord Beckett picked up on her hesitation and decreed decisively, "You will serve under the East India Trading Company, under my personal authority."

"Thank you, my Lord," Catherine acknowledged, her mind racing at the prospect of officially joining forces with Lord Beckett. "I will ensure swift action towards your mission."

With the plans in motion, Catherine contemplated the magnitude of what lay ahead. Beckett's gaze lingered on her, a mixture of adoration and shrewd calculation within his eyes. As she turned to leave, she cast a playful smile at him.

"Lord Beckett," she said, "I look forward to our dinner tonight."

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