Chapter 37

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The following morning's sun filtered through the gossamer curtains, casting a golden hue upon the room as Lord and Lady Beckett stirred in each other's arms. A serene tranquility enveloped the room this Christmas Eve morning, a rare moment of respite from their endeavors. They lingered in the warmth of the covers, the day unburdened by duties or schemes, allowing them a rare moment of unhurried affection.

"Good morning, my dear Catherine," Lord Beckett murmured, his voice a low, tender timbre that resonated with warmth.

Catherine, her voice soft and affectionate, replied, "Good morning, my love," as she nestled her body closer to his. The feeling of her smooth skin on his own prompted Lord Beckett to gently run his hand over her curves. Even after months of marriage, his every touch was as thrilling for her as the first time, as she wanted it to be even in their final days. She placed her own hand on top of his, guiding him around her body, indicating she was open to affection.

This pleased Lord Beckett very much, and he began to move his hand slowly up her firm midriff up to the curve of her breast. As his fingers graced her nipples and his lips softly and slowly moved down her neck, she could feel his hardness grow behind her. Her excitement soon piqued and she deftly lifted her hips to allow him inside.

As their passion increased, she found herself prone on the bed with her hips raised slightly as he penetrated her deeply from behind. She moaned softly as he continued to move within her exactly how she liked: slow, meticulous and unceasing. Lord Beckett was adept at elevating her level of pleasure and she loved allowing him to take her as he pleased. It was their secret that she enjoyed keeping with her when they mingled in polite company.

They made love unhurriedly throughout the morning, connecting without spoken words, his affection showing how much he loved her, and her reception to him indicating the same.

As the morning sun brightened, they leisurely made their way to the lavish bathroom. Catherine ran the water, filling the tub with fragrant oils, the room laced with the aroma of delicate flowers. They immersed themselves in the warm embrace of the water, savoring the closeness and the shared moments of tranquility.

Their morning tryst left Lord Beckett in high spirits. Refreshed and rejuvenated, they descended to the dining hall, in their seasonal best, where a lavish holiday breakfast awaited them. Seated to his right, Catherine radiated joy as Lord Beckett tenderly clasped her left hand while he enjoyed his tea, his thumb tracing over her wedding ring. Engaged in easy conversation, they savored each bite, sharing anecdotes and thoughts.

After breakfast, they adjourned to Lord Beckett's study, the space adorned with maps, scrolls, and the grandeur of a man with the world at his fingertips. Together, they huddled over plans and discussions, mapping out the future of the newly stabilized world, weaving ideas and aspirations into the blueprint of their grand vision.

Taking up the parchment to record their musings, Lord Beckett began, "Given my recent... mystical experiences aboard the Acquisition, I believe it's time to cease executions."

"I agree, my love," Catherine responded, her gentle voice resonating in agreement. "Punitive measures have their place, but continued executions risk eroding public faith in our leadership. And darling," she added. "Lift the martial law."

"I shall, my dear," he acknowledged its necessity with a subtle nod. "Tomorrow, on Christmas Day."

Their gazes intertwined momentarily, his once steely grey eyes softening, and Catherine's lips met his in a soft and tender kiss before continuing.

"And on the matter of making wealth more accessible and encouraging entrepreneurship," Catherine continued, "Lowering taxes and incentivizing commerce could potentially deter piracy, wouldn't you agree?"

"My dear Catherine, your suggestion has merit. However," Lord Beckett cautioned, "we mustn't hastily disrupt the economic backbone supporting the East India Trading Company and the crown's interests."

He paused, mulling over the implications of such actions.

"Reducing taxes might impact our current revenue stream and destabilize our economic structure. Yet, a nuanced proposal offering incentives in targeted sectors or regions, we could stimulate legal commerce while curbing illicit activities."

"Your pragmatism complements my idealism perfectly, darling. But public sentiment is a crucial factor; high taxes could fuel unrest," Catherine added, her wisdom accentuating their discussion.

Their discussion expanded as they explored fostering entrepreneurship beyond tax incentives. Lord Beckett detailed, "We should facilitate an environment nurturing entrepreneurial spirit. Tax incentives are crucial, but a broader approach is needed: easing regulatory constraints, providing resources, and fostering innovation."

Catherine added, "I propose integrating spiritual development to strengthen moral values. It could deter unscrupulous behavior and foster a sense of collective responsibility."

Lord Beckett acknowledged her ideas. "Though not a proponent of organized religion, I recognize the power of a strong moral compass. Ethics play a pivotal role in shaping a society's conduct. A solid moral and ethical foundation is undoubtedly more conducive to fruitful commerce."

"And in creating fulfilling lives for all, we must make spiritual and higher-level principles more accessible within society," Catherine proposed. "Simultaneously, we must optimize our existing trade routes, create more synergies with the Spanish, and actively seek out new routes and partners that align with the evolving needs of our customers."

"It's just good business," he quipped with a smile.

"I hope one day our interests could align, transcending borders," Catherine reflected, expressing a vision of global unity for the greater good of humanity.

Lord Beckett, inspired by her vision, responded warmly, "Your aspiration for an integrated future, my dear, resonates deeply. Aligning interests one day without borders could pave the way for a new era of collaboration and prosperity, not just for our nations but for the world at large."

Their discussions shifted to another critical point they had previously discussed. "Catherine, you mentioned earlier that inherent human psychological needs often drive people to piracy, such as the need for significance and variety. How can we address these needs in legal and constructive ways?"

"My darling," Catherine explained, "These needs are inherent in everyone, however, it's up to the individuals themselves to learn to satisfy those needs at higher levels than stealing, killing and pillaging. The best thing we can do is ensure they have strong leadership to follow that sets the example. That's why our responsibility is so important. And you know, to love and be loved is the highest form of significance."

The room echoed with the fervent exchange of ideas, their collaborative spirit infusing every stroke of the quill and every mark on the parchment. As the day wore on, their excitement grew with a palpable energy that highlighted their shared dreams and aspirations.

The afternoon sun began its descent, casting long shadows across the study, yet their enthusiasm remained undimmed. With twilight settling in, Lord and Lady Beckett concluded their day-long discourse, allowing their visions to simmer and evolve, promising an even more profound dawn ahead. The evening passed in quiet contemplation, as they took respite in each other's company.

With the dawn of Christmas Day on the horizon, a new chapter awaited. The early rays of sunlight, heralding a festive morning, cast their glow upon a world replete with promises of transformation, marked by Catherine and Cutler Beckett's profound dedication to sculpting a future of free trade, harmony and prosperity.

YOU are the Lord and Lady of your life, and of this world. You have the chance to design your own future on parchment. What kind of leader and sovereign are you going to be?

Pirates: The One Where Lord Cutler Beckett Wins (& There's Romance)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat