Chapter 31

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Meanwhile, in Shipwreck Cove, time meandered on, the air thick with anticipation as the Pirate King election loomed. Blackbeard, ever watchful, grew suspicious of Jack Sparrow's behavior, which had escalated into even more eccentricity than usual. One night, in the dimly lit quarters of the Queen Anne's Revenge, Blackbeard summoned Jack for a private chat.

The cabin was adorned with mystical artifacts, and a crystal ball pulsated with an otherworldly glow. Blackbeard, his eyes piercing through the shadows, confronted Jack.

"Jack," Blackbeard's voice carried the weight of impending revelation. "I've heard whispers that you've been stalling the Pirate King election. What scheme are you hatching, Jack?"

Jack, caught off guard, attempted to deflect. "Scheme? Oh, no scheme, mate. Just a bit of strategic delay, savvy?"

Blackbeard, however, was not easily fooled. He approached the crystal ball, its surface shimmering with arcane energy. "I have ways of seeing things, Jack. Secrets laid bare, intentions revealed."

He gestured, and the crystal ball flickered to life, revealing an unsettling scene: Lord Beckett and Catherine, surrounded by the flickering flames of a burning spellbook.

Jack's eyes widened as he watched the incineration of the very book promised to restore the Black Pearl's magical essence. The betrayal was palpable, and Blackbeard spoke with a measured intensity.

"Beckett burned your chance at the Pearl's magic, Jack. He used you. And now, he plots against us all. I can give you what he promised. Help me destroy Beckett, and the Black Pearl shall sail with the winds of magic once more."

Jack, torn between loyalties and the desire for his beloved ship's restoration, met Blackbeard's gaze. The decision hung in the air, a fateful choice that would shape the course of events in the coming storm.

Pirates: The One Where Lord Cutler Beckett Wins (& There's Romance)Where stories live. Discover now