(TW~ Poisoning, Suspious Creepy man with a child)

The air was crisp with that autumn wind, the sun peering through the trees. It was mornings like this where most were out farming and gathering supplies, whilst the sun was still up in the sky. The coming of winter and its frozen days signified a dangerous time that spread throughout the few months where the sun does not rise, and the moon claims all under her as her prize.

The Sun was a knight, protecting all who follow him with his blazing holy sword, with the Church of Solaris as its soldiers. Mankind basked in his radiance and pure holy light. Whereas the Moon...

The Moon was the Mother of Monsters. Where ever her light touched, Monsters were able to walk. Her shimmering moonlight, although beautiful in the eyes of some, was only blessed for those who she nurtured. She welcomed all Monsters into her arms, shielding them with her vale of darkness where not even the Sun could travel.

In her night, Mankind was not welcome.
But in his light, her children were cursed.

The town of Edren was no different. The people who called it home busied themself during the day, preparing for the coming winter when the moon claimed all as her own. There were lights hung up in every corner... in every nook and cranny, chasing the darkness away in the hopes that no monster will dare to step foot on human grounds. Everyone wore a mask as to protect themself from the monsters that might dare to hurt them.

A boy stood at the town gates, a red and green mask securely on his face just staring up at the large ornate arch that was covered in glowing runes, and he sighed. His mother taught him how to read the Solaric runes just as well as the common written word. He also knew Lunaric Runes but he didn't let that known as it was a quick road to getting questioned by the Holy Knights.

Holy Knights... A group of Hunters directly linked to the Church of Solaris. His mother told him countless times to avoid the Knights as much as he could... however...

"Roman!" The boy took a deep breath looking up to see the one Holy knight he could not avoid. Sir Arden stood there with a bright smile making Roman have to take a deep breath again just to calm his nerves. His mother told him to stay away from Knights and Hunters but Sir Arden was an old friend of hers. He couldn't be rude and just ignore him, could he? "Roman, my boy! It's good to see ye. I hope you didn't run into any trouble on the way here. A boy your age shouldn't have to trek so far through the woods, especially all on his own."

"My journey was well, thank you." Roman spoke politely and softly, noting how the man before him just chuckled in response.

"Always the polite fella, aren't ye? Well, Lad, how 'bout we hurry along?" Arden gestured into town making Roman's eyes darken as he sighed and gave a nod, letting the older knight lead him along. "I never did ask ye... How come your mother sends you all the way here to town on your lonesome? Surely the forest isn't a place for a young lad such as yourself to be traveling without some sort of protection?"

"I assure you, Sir. I have plenty of protection." Roman tone held very little ice considering the intense gaze he was getting in return. He pointed to the dagger he had strapped to his hip making Arden's eyes widen, before belting out a bellied laugh.

"Oh, my boy, a small weapon as that will do nothing against the monsters that call those trees their home." Roman just continued to walk forward not wanting to appear inconsiderate of the man's concern. He was an old friend of his mother's, so it was obvious he would be worried about him. But Roman was more than capable of traversing the wooded lands on his own, as he had been raised to do. He was quick, agile, and strong. He never tired and was rarely ever approached by any animals let alone dangerous ones.

And he's never seen a monster...

"Aw, here we are." Roman frowned, staring up at the large building before him. Sir Arden was well with money, being one of the more renowned Holy Knights. He was the only one in town, having the branch to protect and therefore held quite the name for himself in Edren. He was a protector of the people... kept the streets safe from the monsters that loomed in the murky shadows... and yet staring up at that door made something in Roman curl away in fear.

Stay away from Holy Knights...

He really should have listened...

"In you go now, boy. Why don't you relax from your long travels while I get you a snack, hmm? And afterword, we can go to the market and fetch whatever it is you were in town to get." Roman gave a sheepish nod, slowly lifting his mask as he was inside and didn't need to wear it and just wanting to get it all over with, as Arden was already pushing him through the door. Arden gestured to the living room as he quickly ran to the kitchen. "Make yourself at home, Lad. I'll only be but a moment."

Roman watched as the man left the room and honestly he could not get that feeling in him to go away. He didn't feel safe, but he didn't understand why. He stared into the living room with a worried frown, trying to pinpoint where that feeling was coming from, but honestly, it just felt like the whole house. He really didn't want to be there. Roman was just going to have to take the gift Sir Arden had for him so he didn't appear rude and get back to his task at hand.

"Oh, Roman... you didn't have to wait. I said you could make yourself at home, lad." Roman tense, feeling a subtle burn to the back of his head. He didn't like how the feeling made his body want to run away.

"It's quite alright, Sir-..."

"No, I insist. Here..." Roman frowned as he took the cup from Arden's hand, who gestured behind him to the living room again. "Why don't you rest your feet? You must be sore and tired from your long journey, right?"

"Really, It's alright, Sir, but I must hurry along." Roman gripped the cup tightly in his hand, feeling his nerves bloom even more in his chest over the sharp gaze the other had on him. "Mother is expecting me before nightfall, you see. I mustn't keep her waiting."

"Of course... of course." Sir Arden tapped his finger against his hand seeming to be thinking as Roman just stared at the drink in his cup. "Well, alright. I wouldn't want your mother to worry. But before you go..." Roman glance up with a confused look only for Arden to smile and gesture to the glass. "Why don't you finish your drink? Would want to put it to waste, would we?"

"Of course not." Roman smiled as he took one more look at his glass before taking a sip. He barely had a chance to swallow before he whimpered over the burn.

"Now... now child. Whatever would be wrong?" Roman pulled the glass away coughing as the liquid burned his throat. "Is something wrong with the drink?"

"N-No..." Roman choked, feeling the exhaustion come over him from the lie. He was taught never to be disrespectful... and never hurt a person's feelings. He was given the drink and he couldn't just turn it away... even if it hurt to drink. "N-No, I just... I-I must not be feeling well."

"When then please, finish it up so that you may be one your way." Roman wanted to growl. He could feel it just at the edge of his lips, but his mother taught him better manners. So he downed the rest of the drink, shoving the glass into Arden's hands, before racing to leave despite the way the room span. It wasn't until he made it outside with the burning sun on his skin did he throw it up. Roman couldn't help but cry as he held his throat, trying to soothe the burning that just wouldn't end. He whimpered and whined as the pain just wouldn't go away. He was weak, drained, and alone. Roman hissed as he tried to clean his mouth out a bit not liking the taste on his tongue that only furthered the burn, before fixing his mask right on his face. He wanted to just get home... but he had a job to do first.

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