"Hey! Remember to bring your brother next time, ok?" Roman clenched his teeth as he forced himself out of the building, once again passing the crystals that chimed at his exit. He could clearly hear how people started talking the second he left. People talking about how those crystals need to be recalibrated... or about Remus and why he never shows up... And that of course starts the rumor spiral that Roman specifically avoids. He didn't care what people thought as long as his brother was safe.

'Remus?' Roman spoke in his head as he walked away from the guild building going the opposite of where he left Remus as he always does, in case any hunters try to follow him. Roman was aware he was paranoid but he was raised to be suspicious of everyone and it was that suspicion that kept the two safe. When he was younger he might have chosen kindness over suspicion but now... now he didn't have the luxury. It was just him and his brother. Everyone else was a possible threat. Roman frowned noticing how Remus didn't respond and already his anxiety was building. 'Remus?' He called again but still nothing. Roman's heart hammered in his chest as he took a back road before practically bolting to where he left Remus. Please just be asleep? Please just be...

"Remus!" Roman came to a stop seeing no trace of his brother anywhere. His heart practically stuttered as he made a very desperate and fearful growling whine. His eyes darted everywhere trying to latch on to any sort of clue as to where Remus might have gone. The only thing he could really take solace in was the clear lack of a struggle. No signs of fighting or struggle plus a distinct lack of sandalwood and sage meant that it was fairly likely that Remus walked off on his own. However, why that might have been was just as worrying as what could have happened after he left. "Remus, where are you? Damn it."

Roman honestly hated big cities. There was just something so claustrophobic about it all. For such a large place, there was so little room. Every step he took seemed to bring him crashing into more and more people. He wanted to just scream over it all.

The sun beat down against his skin burning him endlessly as he pulled his hood up trying to hide into the darkness the clothing provided him. He did his best to avoid as many people as he could and brightly lit areas, as that meant more visibility and a deeper burn. He was usually good at keeping suspicion down when it was just him, however... as his eyes caught sight of a man staring right at him it was made apparent that he was not in the state of mind to be in any way stealthy. And seeing as his mind finally dawned on the subtle itch... a buzz Roman could identify easily, a pit settled in Roman's chest realizing the man that was staring directly at him...

That man was Selen.

The man's eyes widened in horror as this loud screeching sound pierced through the air, forcing him to cover his ears against the noise. Roman, who had never been affected by sound, didn't feel the need to guard against the concussive sound. That didn't mean he was alright, as his mind was splitting over Remus, he ended up getting caught off guard. He stumbled back as a blade was brought down to his side only just managing to miss him.

Roman scrambled for his sword, his head so out of it in a panic, that he couldn't even get it unlatched. People screamed around him, the whole area in a frenzy, as Roman slowly looked up to see a very rabid-looking grey demon. Roman's blood went cold, his body going rigid as everything in him flashed back to the attack when he was a child. He felt the air in his throat like a ball of sand growing with every second until he couldn't get any more air in.

"Well, lookie lookie, Beauty." The demon giggled as it twisted its body to look up at Roman who stumbled back, giving up on his sword as he still couldn't manage the latch. "Such a small dainty thing... so yummy looking." Roman felt sick to his stomach as the demon kicked its legs up and over in a handstand until it was on its feet again with an insane grin. "You'll make everyone so happy. A good dinner you'll make. Oh, goodie goodie." In his mind, Roman knew he should do something. The hunter in him was screaming to take charge... to attack before the demon could, but his mind seemed to be trapped in those demon yellow eyes. It didn't take long for the demon to lash out. "Gotcha y- HEY!" Roman fell back scrambling away from the thing as the demon screeched in anger.

"NOT FAIR! NOT FAIR! BEAUTY, BE NICE! YOUR DINNER!" Roman threw himself back over the short wall, dodging just in time as the demon slammed into it breaking it all down into dust. "STOP RUNNING AWAY!" Roman gulped as he pushed himself up to his feet only to freeze up as the demon's entire stance seemed to change. A low unsettling growl filled the air, reminding Roman too much of himself, as the demon slowly stood back up, its body cracking as if not used to actually standing like a human being. "Now... Here I was under the impression..." Bright yellow eyes instantly latched onto Roman's as the demon looked behind at him through its scraggly grey hair. "... you were a pathetic being."

"Weak..." The demon giggled making Roman's heart just drop as it turned to face him completely. "Alone..." Roman choked up as he tried to get himself to move, feeling the unyielding buzz in his body over the proximity of the demon... not to mention the-...

"MOVE!" Roman jerked as a hand suddenly grabbed his pulling him along and away from the demon that let out a grateful roar in response. The other Selen... Roman's eyes were wide in shock feeling the buzz like a burn in his palm at the man's touch. Being so close to them, Roman could feel a distinct difference him this man's buzz identifying him as a ghoul. This man was a ghoul... a monster... and yet... "Hunter!"

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