(TW- Blood)

Virgil frowned as he stood there watching as Roman just sat on this short wall reading a letter. He had asked Remus about it, curious as to what it might have been about, but even Remus didn't know. All Remus could say was that it could have been Roman's mystery friend. Apparently, this wasn't the first time the older twin had gotten random mystery letters. Remus asked Virgil if he wanted to guess who it could have been and that ended up becoming a list of outrageous ideas, including some illegitimate child that for some reason Remus wouldn't have known about.

Virgil might not have known much about Roman having only met him the day prior but still... even he had to admit that it was funny. Roman didn't seem like the person who would have an illegitimate child. Which of course led to the other ideas of him talking to a woman... another hunter telling him of another job... or a face-eating alien that wants Roman to help them eat the face of the king. Remus came up with the last one.

Virgil was certain they could cross off the alien but it was interesting nonetheless. After all, Roman had let Remus go off on his own JUST so he could sit down and read the letter. And Virgil knew he had spotted the hunter smiling every so often. Little tiny ones that were barely noticeable but they were still smiles.

After a few minutes of Remus annoying the market vendors, Roman finally finished the letter, stuffing it into his inner coat pocket. Roman looked up catching Virgil's eyes who flushed in embarrassment at being caught staring.

"Uh..." Roman growled lowly making Virgil squeak. "Sorry."

"Where's Remus?"

"Right here!" Remus jumped up behind Roman earning a soft groan as Remus practically devoured his kabob, sauce all over his face. "I found animals."

"What?" Remus nodded as he grabbed Roman's hand dragging him off, all while Virgil just laughed.

"I found animals. Cute little fluffy fuckers..." Roman's grip on Remus's hand tensed as he faltered in his steps.

"I don't know, Remus. Animals don't really like me." Remus only chuckled as he finally stopped outside this fencing.

"Animals don't like either of us. That doesn't mean we can't appreciate how absolutely fucking adorable they are." Roman growled as Remus opened the gate letting Virgil watch in, who had a very nervous look in his eyes. It made sense considering animals didn't like ghouls any. Actually, animals tended not to like Selen in general which Roman found odd considering the moon's fondness for them.

"No, see they dislike you... they absolutely abhor me." Remus's eyes fell as Roman stared into the gate with an anxious twitch in his eyes. "You might actually get one of those animals to come close to you... or even let you touch them. But me... they'd bite me if they weren't too afraid to be in eyesight. Are you sure this is a good idea?"

"Please Roman. Just... try to stay calm." Roman rolled his eyes with a scoff as Remus gestured for Roman to go through the gate. "If your calm the animals are less tense around you."

"Me... be calm?" Roman hesitated as he spotted Virgil looking at what appeared to be rabbits and frowned. "I'll try."

"Atta boy!" Remus teased before running in and getting hissed at by a lizard in a cage. "Oh look at you Mr. Bitey."

"Odd." The vendor smirked as Remus tried to stick his finger into the cage making the lizard try to attack him. "He usually loves people."

Roman frowned more, his eyes clearly portraying his nerves, as he watched Remus tease and taunt the animals that all tried to go at him. It was all in good fun of course, as Remus would never allow them to hurt him, nor would he allow any of them to be hurt either. Roman figured it was safe enough to take his eyes off his brother for a bit, noticing how Virgil was still just watching the rabbits with an almost endeared expression. Roman cleared his throat making Virgil jump who slapped Roman's arm before even realizing who it was. The second he realized it was Roman he paled, freezing up on the spot. Roman just stared at the spot Virgil slapped him, an odd look on his face before looking up at Virgil who just sighed.

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