(TW- Violence, Slight gore, death, blood)

"You know, Roman..." Virgil lulled softly as he held his basked tightly in his grasp. "This past week has been one of the nicest I've ever had." Roman's eyes darkened, his hand twitching on his sword, as the two of them made it to the fountain. Virgil slowly looked up at the moon seeing how she was so bright and large in the sky. To see her so well meant she was present and as much as Virgil loved it... he didn't know if he wanted the mother goddess to see what came next.

"It's a lovely night... isn't it?" Roman as tense as he was did not respond only making Virgil chuckle a bit with a nod. "Well, I think it is. And in my opinion, the company isn't so bad either." Virgil just continued to smile up at the moon as he shrugged. "You might not have liked it but... being with you and Remus... mainly you admittedly, as Remus is very energetic... has been calming. Hanging out with you has been nice... even with the aggression." Roman simply grunted making Virgil chuckle more. Virgil glanced at Roman's sword for a second before sighing and turning to face the hunter. He knew right from the start, of course, that this was highly likely how it would end for him. He took a breath and took a step closer, knowing it was far better to just... accept it and not run, before looking up at Roman, only... Roman's eyes narrowed in confusion as he looked up past Virgil back at the fountain.

"Oh, would you look at that?" Virgil whipped around to find another Ghoul perched upon the head of the Moon Goddess's statue with a sick ravenous grin. The ghoul's blood-covered stark white hair fell in mops over its black-ringed dead eyes making Virgil cringe at the sight. The red tinge to its eyes made it clear it was on its way to becoming a Draugr and that was never good. "Two lovebirds out for a stroll." Virgil tipped in surprise as Roman suddenly pulled him behind him, unsheathing his sword with determined eyes only making the ghoul howl with erratic laughter. "So pure... so cute... I wonder." The ghoul shifted a bit till it was crouching on the statue on both feet just giggling away. "Would you two taste sweet... or cheesy?" Roman simply growled putting himself into position before looking back to see the fear in Virgil's eyes. The terror was clear as day tightening around Roman's chest like a vice only making him growl more which finally caught Virgil's attention. The second their eyes met Roman was struck with an overwhelming buzz in his skin. His eyes darted up to the moon and back to Virgil's before tightening his grip on his sword with a nod.

"Go find Remus." He rumbled making Virgil pale in shock. The ghoul simply laughed as it jumped off the statue, its stance staggering a bit only making it look all the more dead.


"Remus! Now!" Roman yelled as he kicked off the ground, lashing out at the ghoul to try and buy some time. Virgil jumped, his mind far too focused on Roman than to actually move, but somehow he got his legs to listen. As Virgil turned to run off in the direction of the inn, the ghoul's laughter ripped through the air. Virgil just had enough time to turn around to see the ghoul right there before there was a flash and Roman was between them fangs bared. Roman kicked the ghoul directly into the fountain causing marble and water to spray everywhere as it was destroyed upon the impact.

"Stay the fuck away from him." There was a low rumbling growl as the ghoul slowly picked itself up out of the rumble and spray, dust and stone falling off of it in clumps.

"You're gonna pay for that." The ghoul launched itself at Roman making the hunter have to dance about to keep himself between the ghoul and Virgil at all times. Virgil screamed and fell back as the ghoul tried to make a grab for him only for roman to high kick his face into the ground.

"Go, Virgil," Roman growled out as he the ghoul picked itself up again, eyes now dangerously red. It was definitely turning into a draugr and that worried Roman more than anything else right now. Roman listened as Virgil's footsteps faded away before he smiled and finally let himself actually let loose. Energy burst out around him making the literal air buzz with electricity. His hair started to turn scarlet as smirked with a devious grin fangs in clear sight. The ghoul just laughed as the two resumed their fighting, the two going back and forth as Roman slowly inched them closer and closer to the fountain.

Roman lunged with his sword just as the ghoul picked up a large piece of marble... the stone baby to be exact, making Roman's eyes flash with rage, as the ghoul used it as a shield to deflect his sword. Before Roman could even react the ghoul whipped the stone baby into Roman's head knocking him over with a grunt. Roman might not have been able to feel pain but that didn't stop the way the world spun and faded in and out. Blood started to drip down his face as Roman tried to get up only for sharp marble dust and water to be thrown at his eyes, cutting him all up and blinding him.

"ROMAN!" Roman froze up, the sound of Virgil's voice drawing his attention in.

"V-Vir-..." Roman grunted as the ghoul grabbed him by the hair and forced him back to the ground with a humored hiss.

"Do you want to know just what I'm going to do to you?" The ghoul lulled as he pulled Roman's head back by the hair even more, despite knowing the he could not see. "I'm going to stab you with your own sword right in the side so you can't move without immense pain and force you to listen as I tare that man apart bit by bit. And after he's good and dead and I've feasted on his corpse... I'll come back over here and carve out your heart." Roman growled only making the ghoul giggle in response. "He is a ghoul but..." The ghoul whispered quietly with a sassy lilt to its voice. "He still has a beating heart. His flesh should taste just as fine as yours." Roman flexed his hand feeling that buzz in his skin get all the more stronger as he lashed out, as if to claw the ghoul. Of course, being blinded as he was the ghoul just laughed at his attempt. "You must be some kind of stup-..."

"LEAVE HIM ALONE!" Virgil screamed out making Roman's skin light up with electricity over how angry and terrified the man sounded. He was going to call out to him... tell him to go when there was a whistling sound passed his ears the ghoul growled in rage. Virgil had started throwing rocks at the ghoul trying to keep him from hurting Roman only that pissed the ghoul off. Next thing Virgil knew he was against the broken fountain feet suspended in the air as water slowly began to soak into it. He couldn't breathe, his hands clawing at the ghoul's icy skin as he tried to kick himself free. He could feel the water rising up as it soaked into his clothes more and more, making him shiver from the chill. He choked and sputtered, as the ghoul growled and gnashed its teeth in rage. But just before the black that ringed Virgil's vision could take over, a sword was plunged through the ghoul's head. Virgil watched as its red eyes added to white before dying off completely as it crumpled to the ground, dropping Virgil into the water below him. Virgil slowly looked up to see Roman standing there, sword in hand and blood dripping horribly from his face. Virgil slowly stood up, leaning against the fountain as Roman clearly tried to listen to the world around him.

"R-Ro... Roma-..." Virgil whimpered only to suddenly be in Roman's arms who had a concerned sort of look on his face.

"Are you hurt?"

"No... No, I'm..." Virgil hissed as he tried to put some weight on his foot, making him realize he must have rolled his ankle. Roman just frowned as he carefully picked Virgil up, surprising the man and making him yip. "W-Wait... Your eyes."

"I'm fine." Roman growled as he slowly started to make his way back to where he could hear people. The whole time Virgil just stared at Roman, this worry obvious to even the hunter who could not see his expression. The buzz in his skin wouldn't leave Roman alone even long after the battle had ended, which of course worried Roman, as he thought the buzz was about protecting Virgil from the ghoul. Now that the ghoul was gone there was nothing to protect Virgil from.

"Are you sure you're ok?" Virgil whispered softly making Roman falter at the emotion in the ghoul's voice. "They blinded you... and you're still bleeding."

"I promise you I feel no pain," Roman spoke just as softly making Virgil go quiet in his arms. "My only concern right now is that you are ok and that we get back to Remus." Roman felt as Virgil nodded, who then seemed to cuddle against the hunter, making his chest unusually tight. Roman didn't understand why but he simply held Virgil closer and continued on his way until the sound of Remus's voice hit his ears, and he smiled.

"ROM-..." Roman hissed suddenly, making Remus slide to a halting stop. Roman at first didn't realize why he had reacted such a way until the subtle vibrations against his chest caught his attention. Virgil grumbled quietly against him, catching Remus's attention who realized Virgil was on his way to passing out from exhaustion. Of course... that didn't stop Remus from telepathically freaking out about all the blood and injuries that covered his twin completely. 'What happened?' Roman just continued to hold Virgil, as if he was watching him despite his eyes being closed and bleeding. 'Roman?'

'It wasn't Virgil.'

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