"It's ok. I've got him." A growl tore through Roman's lips making Remus sigh feeling the electricity coming off of his twin. He gently nudged the ghoul away as he took both of Roman's hands, wincing at how Roman instantly dug his sharp... sharp nails into Remus's skin. "Roman?" Roman's eyes slowly opened revealing them to be a very vibrant scarlet that only made Remus's glowing white eyes flash brighter.

"It's ok. I'm ok." Remus watched Roman closely seeing how his brother twitched as if wanting to move but unable to. "You're ok." Roman's eyes widened subtly catching Remus's attention who smiled and brushed Roman's hair back before holding his hands again.

"You're ok, Roman. The demon is dead. You don't have to be on guard anymore." Remus hesitated a bit, worried he wasn't getting through like he had thought, only for Roman to choke out a breath, making Remus's eyes shoot up with a bright smile. "Roman? Roman, it's ok, ok? The demon is dead. We're both safe." Roman gave a small nod making Remus let out a relief-filled breath, seeing the red in Roman's eyes start to fade back to its more golden-red hue, instead of such a bright scarlet. Remus's sole focus was in making sure Roman calmed down, that he had genuinely forgotten they weren't alone until Roman's eyes darted up past Remus, the sound of hushed footsteps finally registering in his mind.

"Stop." Remus looked back to see the ghoul cringing before finally meeting his gaze with a very timid and small expression. Remus could tell the ghoul felt vulnerable... like prey set up pretty before the lioness. However, that did not stop Remus from letting his eyes drag over the other's form. His brother had been clinging to the ghoul of course. Remus knew the man was ghoul just off the energy he felt alone, however it was kind of obvious considering the pale almost sickly skin tone and pure white hair. "What's your name?" The way the ghouls went guarded actually made Remus chuckle before he focus back in on his brother who was still just watching the ghoul closely. "My name is Remus. Remus Alden-..." The ghoul's eyes darted up in horror as Remus gestured to his brother. "This is my twin Roman Alden. You'll have to forgive him for all this. Demons aren't exactly our uh... jam."

"Roman Alden..." Roman's eyes narrowed hearing the ghoul whisper his name making Remus sigh. He could understand the ghoul's fear. Not only had he helped a hunter but THE hunter. Roman was famous in every corner of the kingdom for his ruthlessness towards the Selen. "Uh..."

"So... I told you mine. May I know the name of the man that saved my brother?"

"I was not saved." Remus's eyes lit up as Roman finally pulled himself away, eyes a little clearer than they had been.

"Ey! There's your voice. I was wondering when you'd be back." Roman just glared at his brother who was just laughing as he slapped Roman's arm. "And what do you mean you weren't saved-..."

"I wasn't saved. I could have taken that demon out no problem." Remus's eyes flashed making Roman wither a bit under his gaze. "I-..."

"Roman, just stop... we can talk about this more later."

"Uh..." The ghoul chirped only to jump as both twins turned to him. The poor man was clearly anxious as he pointed over to Remus, earning a low yet hesitant growl out of Roman. "You... You used magic. How-..."

"REMUS!" Remus cringed as Roman yelled out finally fully registering what had happened. "You KNOW the rule."

"You were being hunted by a demon, Roman! What was I supposed to do?"

"NOT USE MAGIC!" Remus tensed seeing the red start to return to Roman's eyes. "Anyone could have seen you. A STRANGER saw you!" Roman gestured to the ghoul making Remus cower a bit under everything. "What if a hunter saw and got the wrong idea-..."

"Roman, I made you a promise." Roman froze up as Remus tried to give him a smile. "It was a demon. I didn't have a choice. Besides... I don't this guy'll tell the guild, hmm?" The ghoul jumped, eyes wide and shock filled. "Will you?"

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