The town of Edren, wasn't a bustling town, like more of the towns further south closer to the capital and its ports. Edren was just a small Outerbanks town, home to farmers and cheap craftsmen. With the forest bordering the edge of the town, most of the town's supply comes from there allowing pelts and wood-based trade to be the main commerce, when in comparison to the seaport towns like the capital. That meant that the market was small and relatively easy for say... a 7-year-old boy to manage.

Roman eyed the different stands, hoping for something he could use. They were running low on a few essentials. Mostly flour as his mother had been baking a lot recently, in preparation for the Frost moon. Most of the baked goods are meant for the Gods, with a special treat meant for Mother Moon herself.

Roman honestly couldn't wait to get home, wanting to help his mother with the preparations as much as he could. But for that to happen... he needed to first finish up here. He took his time, going to different stands, grabbing what he needed and surprising many over how much he could carry, until he stopped short seeing a lovely wooden wagon for sale. He completely lit up, running over to it, eyes shimmering with excitement, that only made the shopkeeper chuckle.

"I take it you like it?" Roman nodded, only to regret it given he was still weak and dizzy from whatever the drink was that Sir Arden had given him. "I'll tell you what... If you have something to trade... I'll let you have it. Can't exactly give it away for free but I'll take whatever you got instead of money." Roman couldn't stop how brightly he smiled. He quickly put everything he had down, lifting up his mask into his hair so he could really get a good look at the wagon. The man chuckled more as Roman quickly scrounged his things before stopping and taking his dagger off with this look in his eyes.

"Will this work? I haven't much else, I'm afraid. It's decent quality and very sharp." Roman handed the dagger over to the man who carefully looked it over before stopping at the runes etched into the blade. "Protection charm. Mother said it was best to have them on the weapon, instead of on your clothes." The man's eyes narrow a bit in question, making Roman a bit tense considering the runes were Lunaric.

"This is very good quality, young man. Where on earth did you get such a blade?"

"My mother made it. She's a decent weapons smith. at least in my opinion. We have plenty more at home so in giving it to you, it's not putting me out." Roman's eyes held a longing that made the shopkeeper sigh. "Will it work? I have a long journey ahead of me and a wagon will surely help me greatly."

"This will work great. In fact, I dare say it's too good of a trade. Here, why don't I give you something more to even the trade a bit?" Roman's eyes widened in awe as the old shopkeeper handed him a small box with a moon imprinted into the faux leather. "Your mother may have told you that a protection charm on the weapon is best, but did she say that no protection charm at all is an absolute travesty?" Roman gingerly opened the box revealing a golden pin with a thick backing. The pin was this small oval that held the triple moon, hands coming up to cup them as if about to embrace, and runes encircling it all. As Roman carefully plucked it out of the box, the runes gave a subtle blue glow making this energy run up his arms. The man smiled as he gently took it from Roman's hands before pinning it to the inner lace of his coat, hidden away from unwanted eyes.

"You... This is a Selen charm. A Charm for a Child of the Moon." Roman whispered softly, not wanting to bring any attention to them or what they were talking about. "My mother showed me pictures of many she had come across-..."

"And now may it protect you in the coming years, My child." Roman's eyes shined brightly as the man's eyes turned silver for but a second. "May the Moon's light wash over her children and protect us from evil." Roman actually teared up, having never met another follower of the moon outside of his home before.

"May she watch over us even when her grace is outshined by the sun, and welcome us when the darkness falls again." The shopkeeper smiled, gently brushing the young boy's tears away, before ushering him on.

"You must hurry now. Nightfall is nearly upon us and although the moon would never harm her children, those of Edren do not take kindly to those who walk their streets under her visage. Besides..." The man lulled as he helped Roman put all his things into the wagon. "I'm sure your mother is missing you dearly."

"Thank you so much, Sir, really." Roman beamed, shoving the mask back over his face, as he started to tug the wagon away. "I hope to see you again someday."

"Have a safe journey, young man." Roman nodded joyfully as he skipped off through the streets. There were much fewer people now that the sun was getting lower. Not many risked being out even during the sunset, too scared of the monsters that might grab them and drag them into the dark. Roman was never afraid of the night. The Moon was his friend and he cherished the dark that let her shine so beautifully. He never understood why people hated the Selen so much.

He was strong for a kid his age, much stronger and faster than even most adults, which was why his mother always cautioned him on showing off his strength around other people. However, when he was alone, with only the trees and the animals that watched warily from afar to keep him company, Roman didn't bother to be cautious.

He picked up whole logs more than 3 times his size and moved them off his path. He picked up firewood along the way putting them in the wagon that was now definitely way too heavy to move safely, were it not for his strength. He hummed a small tone as he moved, ignoring the aching burn in his throat. He didn't care. As long as he got home to his mother and brother he was more than happy.

He just had to get enough firewood first.

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