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The night markets... Well, Roman couldn't say they weren't something else. Roman took a deep breath as he fixed the wooden mask, he had on, his hair up in a braided bun and hidden under the hood of Remus's cloak that Roman 'borrowed' for the night. He didn't know why he went under disguise but something in him just didn't want to be The Great Hunter Roman Alden tonight. So he checked his mask one last time before finally walking out into the markets to markets.

The lady wasn't wrong when she said the good stuff wasn't sold until later. Most of the stands weren't up at night to minimize the space given that it was dark out. And given the draugr attack the other night, Roman could see an upgraded amount of security making him hiss in frustration. Large crystal charms were placed in intervals, no doubt on loan from the hunter guild, making traversing through the area more difficult than Roman would have wanted.

There wasn't much he could do about that. He didn't have any suppressor charms on him, as he had used them all last summer. So be it. He would just have to be smart about it if he was going to find what he wanted.

Roman made his way slowly and deliberately through the stands trying to find whatever he needed without getting too close to the charms. He knew all he had to do was take the mask off and everyone would look the other way but... he didn't want to.

Roman glanced up at the moon, feeling this wash of reassurance come over him... a desire to protect and he couldn't help but smile.

"I know, Mother. I'll be safe."

"Excuse me..." Roman flinched, spinning around only to spot a familiar face and he groaned. "If you thought I wouldn't be able to recognize you with all that one well..."

"It wasn't you, Artem, I was trying to avoid." Roman smirked softly behind his mask before stopping short. "Did something happen?"

"Whatever would cause such a reaction?"

"You're early." Roman's voice started to shake as he grabbed Artem's arm, making the fae frown a bit in concern. "Is all well? Did something happen? Are they-..."

"My Lord, breathe. All is well. I was simply given the order to return to you earlier than anticipated." Roman's eyes flashed as he forced himself to take a breath, letting the fae go only to stop seeing how there was a handprint of black and stars. Artem sighed as he quickly brushed his hand over his skin, dissipating the sudden color back to normal before pulling a letter out slightly from his jacket. "The young lord was eager to send more word but they were understanding that you might not have had anything to return."

"No... No actually... I don't have it on me. It's back in my room at the in." Artem smiled as he gave a small nod, a sudden magic overcoming the servant fae throwing up a disguise.

"Then I shall accompany you. I am intrigued by your current attire and would like to find out what your end goal is." Roman stared at the fae for a moment, a sort of longing look in his eyes filled with pain, before blinking and turning away as if nothing had happened.

"There's crystal charms everywhere."

"I came prepared, My Lord." Artem summoned two suppressor charms making Roman light up a bit as he took one and hid it in his coat pocket. "If you would like..."

"Please? I'm actually going to have to up my order. We have a ghoul in our group at the moment and... he is oblivious. He was nearly tagged twice today alone. It's a wonder I ever thought he was dangerous... or even how he's survived this long."

"You're protecting a ghoul now too?" Roman's went stiff, a growl on his lips as Artem just chuckled. "Oh, don't give me that. I understand the circumstances the last time, but what about this time?"

"I promised, Remus. That is all." Artem sighed and nodded as Roman started off, just wanting to get this over with as he had much he planned on doing.

"So, what is it that you are looking for, My Lord."

"A mask. Specifically, a nobles mask. Something that I can make form-fitted. Something durable and can be painted on." Artem's eyes narrowed as he watched the other closely. "Something that is strong but will definitely fly under the hunter's radar."

"You know... I could always just..." Artem's eyes flashed making Roman growl but the hunter didn't say anything. "If you are worried about quality, I can make it indestructible."

"For what price. You already have my name and that of my brothers." Artem just laughed as he shook his head.

"My Lord, I do not possess any such things. Those names were given to My Lady and therefore I hold no claim. Besides, my offer of such gifts is without stipulation."

"You're fae nothing is freely given. Everything has a price." Artem's eyes just flashed making Roman frown feeling this wash of trust filter in the air. Roman's eyes turned to the moon, a small flickering of her light, and his eyes narrowed in confusion. "Why should I trust you?"

"Child of the moon, you are beloved by her moonlight. We chose to help you not because you gave your name but because you are bound to her just as we are. So, my lord, I offer my assistance, not a deal." Roman watched him for a few moments before just groaning and turning away again.

"We'd have to find the mask first. Nothing is set and stone as of yet." Artem just laughed as he followed closely behind. "You said they wanted you to come early. Is there a specific thing happening or..."

"Someone new as recently arrived on our isle. A phoenix. The young lord has taken quite the liking towards xem." Roman's eyes widened a bit making Artem chuckle. "Xe are about their age so they both seem quite content in each other's company. My belief is that they wrote to you about xem."

"I'll have to endeavor to meet xem if that is the case." Roman growled earning a humored laugh from the fae.

"I'm sure they would love that. Now..." Roman sighed as Artem gestured for them to move on. "We have a mask to find yes?"

"Right... a mask." Roman's eyes flashed as he clenched his fists tightly. "If it keeps him from dealing with everything that happened today then... I'll get the best I can find."

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