Track Two: If You Only Knew

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Chaeyoung's typical day starts based on Jennie's schedule and everyone in the industry knows that Kim Jennie has one of the most jam-packed schedules. Being a highly sought out artist, Jennie is never without a scheduled event. Even just simply going out for personal matters requires the natural make-up idols these days are trending. Fashion still matters with social media being so active. Anyone with a phone can take photos of celebrities, which means that even if they are out on a simple morning run or a trip to the nearest café would mean taking consideration to what one should wear lest they be caught looking less than expected, an opportunity for haters, or antis as they are usually called, to spread hate.

Not that Jennie should be worried about something like that. Chaeyoung thinks her beauty doesn't require much. If she were to choose, she'd pick no make-up Jennie over music video Jennie. Simple always wins over grandiosity and Chaeyoung is a big believer of it. But most of all, she knows that beauty is deeper than the superficial.

At 24 Chaeyoung already knows how deceiving beauty can be. Working with the prettiest faces in the land has her witnessing first hand that it isn't the most important thing in the world. It's character, and Chaeyoung has worked with some of the worst. Hidden under all that make-up, bright lights, behind the adoring public and the cameras, monsters exist and more often than not, wear the most beautiful faces. As scary and disappointing as that is, experience has taught her to be wary of a pretty face all the time until she gets to know them better.

"Perfect! Anything looks good on you!" the photographer, well-renowned in the business, gushes for the -enth time as he clicks away on his camera. In front of him, one of the most prettiest faces Chaeyoung has ever worked for poses confidently.

Kim Jennie. The hottest idol in Asia and perhaps the whole world, looks through the lenses with practiced smiles and smoldering gazes.

"Would it be better to shorten the dress or maybe half and half," Jisoo mumbles to Lisa as they look back and forth between Jennie and the initial sketches the creative team has put together. It's like a visual script that they follow, same as the scenes in music videos.

Chaeyoung, also having a background in fashion after interning for a modeling company, looks at the images and holds up a long pendant necklace.

"This would go well with the dress," she points out as Jisoo thinks for a bit, mentally putting the image together.

"I agree," Lisa backs her up just as Jisoo nods.

"Let's try that."

Soon the first round of photos are done and Jennie is back in the dressing room to change into another outfit, Lisa and Jisoo rushing around her to make some slight adjustments around her waistline. Chaeyoung on the other hand re-applies lipstick on Jennie's lips after the star takes a quick sip of her water.

"Frowning causes wrinkles, Rosie. We can't have that on your cute face." Jennie playfully says as her lips stretch into a smile and that breaks Chaeyoung's serious concentration, her insides swirling at the affectionate nickname only Jennie calls her, the crinkle in her forehead disappearing at her words.

Rosie. Chaeyoung probably doesn't exactly know when Jennie first started calling her that. 

Just that it was likely that time between attending fashion shows and the announcement of her upcoming album release this year--which is about a month and a half from now. She doesn't mind really. As a matter of fact, she likes it. Likes the way Jennie adorably says it even more.

Chaeyoung's eyes look up at dark chocolate hues and her insides twist yet again. Sometimes she forgets how half of the world would kill to be in her shoes right now. How people would do anything to personally witness Kim Jennie's mischievous side. To have your face inches away from the woman so adored by millions and be on the receiving end of her powerful gaze which is enough to cause heart attacks. But she's Jennie's official make-up artist, handpicked by YG among a huge pool of applicants, and thus, she reminds herself not to gawk at her too long like some love-struck fan. In the end, Chaeyoung looks elsewhere, particularly, down on the cosmetics she's holding, and smiles like nothing happened, casually shrugging instead, doing what she always does, her hands getting back to work.

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