Track Eighteen: Tell Me You Do Too

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"Lis!!" Chaeyoung calls out, almost bumping on to the table, as she holds on to Lisa's wrist just before her best friend could eat, the spoonful of rice she was holding still up in the air, mid-bite, just inches from her open mouth.

"Let go while I'm still being nice," Lisa threatens in between gritted teeth, glaring daggers at her.

But Chaeyoung couldn't care less as she tries to catch her breath, all the while pushing a familiar note across the table towards an angry Lisa.

"What the heck is that?" Lisa asks, in English, with a frown. Chaeyoung still doesn't let her wrist go.

"Read it," she breathes out, chest heaving as she sits across Lisa.

"Can I eat this first?" Lisa asks impatiently but Chaeyoung lowers her wrist down, along with her food.

"Ya! Roseanne—!"

Chaeyoung holds up the note in front of Lisa's face this time, leaning forward to whisper harshly.

"My secret admirer wants to meet up."


24 hours ago

It's about three in the morning and sleep for Chaeyoung becomes restless. Not when she abruptly wakes to the trouble her mind won't seem to let go, even in unconsciousness. So she finds herself waking at three in the morning, head filled with anxiety. Admittedly, it's been a while since she's had this type of night. Back then, it had been whenever she has a dance competition coming up. Her nerves wouldn't even let her sleep. Then there was that time with Suzy. Sleep had been filled with nightmares and she'd wake up sobbing in the middle of the night. The next had been moving to Seoul. Homesickness and feeling alienated had her tired even when she's just woken up.

Now, it's the unfortunate incident at the club that bothers her and disturbs her sleep at three in the morning.

But instead of being alone in the dark surrounded by nothing but pillows and blankets, she wakes up lying on her side covered in warmth.

Jennie is curled up next to her, loosely clutching on to her shirt, a habit of hers Chaeyoung has learned only last night.

Her anxiety ebbs away at the comforting presence. It's a chilly night and Chaeyoung instinctively pulls the covers around them. Perhaps it's also instinct that makes her wrap her arms around Jennie's sleeping form and bring her closer to her.

Or it's that greed again.

Chaeyoung easily finds herself being lulled to sleep. With Jennie perfectly snuggled in her arms, she closes her eyes, inhaling that sweet scent which she's already associated with solace and all her favorite things.

Chaeyoung wants her nights to always be like this.

Would it be too much to ask for?

When she wakes up again, it's late in the morning and the sun is high up in the sky. She's also alone. She tries not to dwell at the ghost of a sting in her chest.

Looking around, she rubs her face, feeling around for her glasses. Surprisingly, she doesn't need to look around for long. As soon as she reaches out, she finds them at the bedside table. Exactly as they would had she been back in her own place.

When her vision clears, she recognizes Jennie's room. The dark sheets, a contrast to her white ones. It's also one of the most comfiest beds she's ever slept on. No different to a five star hotel except for the scent of Jennie's perfume and body wash still lingering on the sheets.

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