Track Thirteen: Tokyo

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Chaeyoung believes this must be one of the best dreams she's had. Jennie's voice is soft, sweet and so close, as if her lips were next to her ear.


She would appreciate it if her dreams were like this all the time. Soft touches and the intoxicating scent of Jennie's favorite body wash filling up her senses.

"Chaeyoung, wake up."

She doesn't want to. Not when she'd love to sink and stay in this dream forever. So she protests, mumbling unintelligible words, more like whining to be honest.

"What?" Light laughter is heard, followed by a poke to the cheek.

It feels so real.

"I'd let you sleep here all day if I could but we have to get ready in an hour, Rosie."

Like a splash of cold water, Chaeyoung feels electrified down to the bones. Memories of last night come pouring in all of a sudden and now she realizes where she is. More importantly, who she's with.


This can't be happening.

She rubs her eyes before blearily opening them, everything as blurry as she expected. Bad eyesight and all. Still, she sits up instinctively and that's when she suddenly experiences a mild state of panic.

First of all, had she been in her own apartment, she wouldn't be tapping around, looking for her glasses. Second, she probably looks like a victim of some natural calamity with her hair all over the place, side bangs sticking out in different directions as she pats it down consciously. And finally, if her memory serves her correct she's just about looking like a complete mess in front of Kim Jennie, not only a global top star but the woman she has feelings for.

"Here, let me," Jennie softly says before Chaeyoung feels her glasses being slipped on her face.

The world clears in seconds, blurry images turning into somewhat of a high quality video.

As if she hasn't been embarrassed enough, it's Jennie's perfect beautiful face that greets her before anything else. The idol is kneeling next to the sofa, looking up at her, a teasing smirk and amusement in her eyes. It's unfair how she's so gorgeous first thing in the morning. It took everything not to rip her glasses off again and wish that this was all still a dream.

Chaeyoung groans miserably, hanging her head low. Because how unflattering is she right now? And it's not like she's hoping to have a chance with Jennie. That's totally impossible and crazy. But she at least wants to look cool and decent in front of the person special to her heart.

This, this is not cool, at all.

She curses at the beer she drank last night with Lisa, her vulnerable state and her weak heart.

Why had she even gone to Jennie's apartment last night? Just so she could what? Hug the idol and pass out on her very comfortable sofa 10 minutes later?

Chaeyoung groans again, slowly shaking her head. Bad decisions should be left during her teenage years but of course, life doesn't work that way.

"Please kill me now," she groans softly, words muffled behind the palms of her hands.

She hears melodious laughter as a response.

"You're under a contract as my make-up artist for another year. You can't die yet. Also, I cooked. Come eat breakfast and see if you still want to leave this world," Jennie playfully tells her, arms resting on Chaeyoung's lap.

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