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"महाराजा, आपके आदेशानुसार हमने हमारे सैनिक भेज दिए हैं उस गुप्तचर के विषय में जानकारी प्राप्त करने।" Shankara, relayed information about dispatching soldiers to gather intelligence on the espionage situation, and I acquiesced with a nod

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"महाराजा, आपके आदेशानुसार हमने हमारे सैनिक भेज दिए हैं उस गुप्तचर के विषय में जानकारी प्राप्त करने।" Shankara, relayed information about dispatching soldiers to gather intelligence on the espionage situation, and I acquiesced with a nod.

{As per Your Majesty's orders, we have sent our soldiers to gather information about that spy}

Peering through the grand glass window, I observed the majestic sunrise. Sleep eluded me throughout the night, consumed as I was by thoughts about the mysterious spy, their origin, and their sender.

Enemies are not a scarcity in my world. The very kings I rule over may feign respect but conspire against me in secret. However, their animosity means little, for my realm boasts the mightiest army, steadfast and devoted soldiers, and a populace loyal to their core. I've cultivated unwavering support by demonstrating my dedication to my kingdom.

A deeper reason for my vigil was Aarna. I was averse to spending another night in her company. An inexplicable sense of unease always enveloped me in her presence. At times, I chided myself for overthinking, yet as a monarch, it's natural to be vigilant.

She's my wife, what harm could she possibly cause? I recited this mantra, but it failed to ease my reservations. I am married to a king's daughter, one under my dominion. I don't completely trust her father's intentions. He couldn't stoop so low as to marry off his daughter just to beat me... could he?

With a weary groan, I buried my face in my hands, the weight of ceaseless contemplation bearing down on me.

My mother's counsel echoed in my thoughts-about the need for a partner who offers unwavering support. I pondered whether Aarna could be that confidant, or perhaps, I hadn't given her a fair chance.

I resolved to engage with her, to make an effort to see her as my life companion. She sacrificed her home to be with me, and if I fail to extend love to her, who will? Her openness with my mother didn't infuriate me; I understood her sense of solitude. If she doesn't seek solace in me, then in whom should she confide?

I must endeavor to connect with her. After all, she is my wife, and it's time I embraced that responsibility.

"Your Highness! The Rajmata has summoned you to your chamber urgently," a soldier rushed in, visibly out of breath, and my heart skipped a beat. Was something amiss with my mother? Instant panic course through me, and I hurried towards him.

"What happened? Is Mother all right?" I inquired anxiously, and he assured me of her well-being. Then he added, "It's the Maharani... She's not waking up," he revealed, sending a wave of alarm through me.

I dashed out into the corridors, ignoring the stares of onlookers. What could be wrong? She was my responsibility, and any harm to her would tarnish my reputation. I couldn't afford to let down her family, especially her father.

Keval Aapke-Janmo Janmantak Tak Where stories live. Discover now