⋆18~First Kiss⋆

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Aarna stood in the chamber, her fingers twisting in nervous agitation as she grappled with the decision weighing heavily upon her

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Aarna stood in the chamber, her fingers twisting in nervous agitation as she grappled with the decision weighing heavily upon her. Amidst the tumult of her thoughts, one nagging question persisted: would Yashwardhan truly believe her words, regardless of their gravity?.

"What's on your mind, my love?" Yashwardhan's gentle inquiry, accompanied by a reassuring stroke of her head, spurred Aarna to action. Summoning her courage, she resolved to voice her concerns.

"It's about my parents," she began tentatively, her voice betraying a hint of uncertainty. Aarna recounted the unsettling encounter during a recent meal with her parents, the discomfort evident in her demeanor.

"As we dined together, and you stepped away momentarily to wash your hands, they were doing a conversation that troubled me deeply," Aarna confessed, her gaze fixed upon Yashwardhan, seeking solace in his reassuring presence. His brow furrowed in concern as he urged her to continue.

"Tell me," Yashwardhan prompted, his tone a blend of curiosity and apprehension. Aarna's throat constricted with trepidation as she revealed the disconcerting words spoken by Aarna's parents.

"They said that I have casted a possession on you with my charm, that my amnesia is a ruse, and that they seek to exploit our relationship for their gain," she disclosed, her voice trembling with emotion. A heavy silence settled over the chamber as Yashwardhan absorbed the gravity of her revelation.

Yashwardhan's mind raced with conflicting thoughts, struggling to reconcile Aarna's disclosure with his perception of her parents. He had not anticipated her divulging such damning accusations, especially concerning her own flesh and blood. Yet, she had entrusted him with the truth, her unwavering faith evident in her confession.

Was this part of a larger scheme, a calculated maneuver to sow discord? Yashwardhan pondered, his mind awash with uncertainty. However, a fragment of wisdom, imparted by his guru, pierced through the haze of doubt. "Don't believe anyone else's words unless Aarna says something to you" the sage had counseled. With that maxim guiding him, Yashwardhan contemplated the significance of her revelation.

"Why did you choose to confide in me? Are you not concerned about the repercussions this may have on your relationship with your parents?" Yashwardhan queried, his gaze probing yet gentle as he sought clarity.

Aarna hesitated, grappling with the weight of her emotions. Despite the familial bond they are sharing, they were not truly her parents, infact she wasn't their daughter, and she harbored no obligation to shield them from scrutiny. "I believe they are acting unjustly towards you. Even if they are my parents, it does not absolve them of wrongdoing," she asserted, her resolve unwavering as she met Yashwardhan's gaze.

Yashwardhan found himself moved by Aarna's unwavering loyalty and moral integrity. Whether her words rang true or false mattered little; he vowed to stand by her side, to trust in her judgment above all others.

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