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Nestled in the warmth of the soft embrace, I savored the tranquility of the moment, allowing myself to sink deeper into the cocoon of comfort that enveloped me

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Nestled in the warmth of the soft embrace, I savored the tranquility of the moment, allowing myself to sink deeper into the cocoon of comfort that enveloped me. With a contented sigh, I tightened my grip on the plushness, relishing the sensation of serenity that washed over me like a gentle wave.

But my peaceful reverie was soon interrupted by a soft groan, pulling me back from the brink of sleep-induced bliss. Frowning slightly, I reluctantly peeled open my heavy eyelids, the world around me still shrouded in a hazy blur. "Yashwardhan Ji, let go of me," came the sweetest sound, the voice of my beloved wife. Waking up and hearing her voice in the beginning of the day will make my whole day.

Blinking away the remnants of sleep, I focused my gaze on the figure hovering close to my face, her features bathed in the soft morning light. She was so close that I could feel the warmth of her breath against my skin, her presence sending a jolt of electricity coursing through my veins.

My gaze lingered on her lips, tantalizingly close to mine, and I couldn't resist the urge to lick my own in anticipation. As our eyes met, I could see the telltale blush staining her cheeks, her nervousness palpable in the way she gulped audibly.

With deliberate slowness, I lifted myself up, giving her the space to retreat if she so desired. But to my surprise, she remained rooted to her spot, her eyes locked with mine in a silent exchange of longing and desire.

Leaning in closer, I pressed a tender kiss to her forehead, then her temple, tracing a path of affection along her delicate features. With each gentle caress, I could feel the tension between us mounting, the air crackling with anticipation.

"Yashwardhan Ji," she gasped softly, her voice a breathless whisper that sent shivers down my spine. I couldn't help but tease her, relishing in the way her grip tightened on my kurta, her fingers clinging to me with a desperate urgency.

"Hmm?" I murmured, my voice low and husky with desire, as I brushed my lips against her jawline, savoring the sweet taste of her skin. But even as I reveled in the intoxicating sensation of her proximity, a nagging thought nagged at the back of my mind - why wasn't she stopping me?

In the past, she had been quick to rebuff my advances, her protests serving as a clear indication of her boundaries. But now, her response was different - instead of pushing me away, she seemed to lean into my touch, her body responding instinctively to my every caress.

As I tentatively traced the curve of her waist with my fingers, eliciting a gasp of pleasure from her lips, it became abundantly clear - she was as inexperienced as she was enchanting, her innocence a stark reminder of the purity of hers.

With calculated precision, I trailed the tips of my fingers along her waist, eliciting a reaction that was more than worth the effort. She clutched at my kurta, her body responding instinctively to my touch as she arched her back with a gasp of pleasure. Leaning in closer, I pressed a tender kiss to her jawline, relishing the softness of her skin against my lips.

Keval Aapke-Janmo Janmantak Tak Where stories live. Discover now