Student K

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1 month before the encounter

"PHAM! JANG!" Danielle's voice echoed throughout the whole cafeteria, capturing the attention of students and the cafeteria staff.

"What is it, Marsh?" Wonyoung asked their younger friend who seated beside her. "There's a new student, Hein, Hyin, Hyena, Hyera, Heri—whatever her name is. Rumor has it she's got incredible potential. She's everyone's been buzzing about since yesterday." Danielle explained.

Her two friends remained unfazed by the news Danielle told them.

"I already know that, I accidentally touched her hand, and yeah, my ability activated." Wonyoung casually shared.

"Which ability?" Hanni asked, resulting in a sigh by Wonyoung. "The information absorption." Wonyoung replied.

"What kind of information did you get?" Danielle asked, her curiosity was piqued. "She can activate her powers but don't know how to use it." Wonyoung replied.

"That must have been challenging for her." Hanni empathize with the new student.

She remembered someone who had great potential but didn't know how to use it.

A flood of memories rushed back to Hanni—a memory when they were 16 years old. She's reminiscing about someone with immense potential but having a hard time with the uncertainty of how to use it.

At 16, trying to fit in a world that forced them into having huge roles, that they could only use one ability, but often activating it unintentionally, lacking control over their own powers.

"There was someone in the past who had great potential, much like that girl you're talking about." Hanni added, her lips formed s smile, though it lacks genuine happiness.

"Oh, I've heard about her a long time ago—the first student with potential surpassing even the strongest ones in the old generation." Danielle remarked, her eyes filled with excitement while talking about that student with huge potential.

"Student K?" Wonyoung asked, which made Danielle nod her head. "I heard she's the strongest at your batch." Danielle responded.

"Yes, she is." Hanni comfirmed. "Despite struggling to control her power, she remained the strongest in our batch. The fact that she came from the strongest bloodline is already enough proof to see how strong she actually is. The ability of their bloodline allows them to summon various things—objects, spirits, and even creatures unknown to us." Hanni added.

"But there's a rumor that she went down a dark path." Danielle shared.

Hanni recognized that Danielle's words were more than just gossip, a tattle tale meant to ruin someone's reputation—it was a grim reality, one that she felt so powerless to make it change.

"Some say the top-ranked student in your batch wiped out her entire bloodline, leaving only her older sister alive." Danielle added.

"Let's not discuss things about her. She's no longer part of the student in this school." Hanni stated, rising from her seat. "I'll go now."

Hanni said before leaving her friends all alone. Seeking solace, she went to a quiet place, hoping to ease her mind from the concerns about her old friend—or perhaps, her former lover.

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