Hanni's wish

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"What had just happened? Why Minji's on the ground?"

"Why does it feel so heavy? Why do I keep losing her every single time?"

Those were the words from Hanni's mind

"Hanni, I–" Wonyoung wasn't able to finish her words as her body stumbled on the ground.

But, for Hanni, on the other hand, she could only hear the existing rhythmic thud of her own heartbeat as she approached Minji's lifeless body.

"Min–" Hanni mumbled. She's unable to utter the name of the figure lying on the ground. Breath caught, her mouth failed to form words.

"Hanni." Minjoo's voice echoed the room. "You have been asleep for a week." She added.

"Where's Minji?" Hanni asked.

"She left. She betrayed all of us. She almost killed you." Minjoo revealed.

"Hanni, Minji's a traitor." Wonyoung said. "She's now a threat to our village."

Hanni struggled to accept that her beloved Minji is a threat to their village. Despite the evidence, she clung to her trust in Minji, convinced that her love would never do anything to destroy their village.

Because she believes that her Minji wouldn't do that.

She held the latter's cold hands.

"Where's... Where's the n-nearest sink here? She couldn't s-stand having... having h-her hands dirty." Hanni stuttered, scanning her eyes around the surroundings anxiously.

Using her own clothes, Hanni gently wiped away the blood stains from Minji's hands.

"Hey, Min. Have you already used up all of the soap I gave you last time?" Hanni asked Minji, who's washing her hand on the restroom sink.

"Yeah. I can't stand getting dirt with my hands. Even when I use summoning ability, I ensure that it will never touch the ground, not even for a centimeter." Minji responded. There's a smile flashing on her face.

Hanni closed her eyes, tears kept on streaming down her face.

"M-Min. You.. y-you said you'll stay alive until I.... could finally k-kill you.." Hanni mumbled through her tears.

The day Minji left, Hanni's heart left along with her.

Hanni believed in the truth reflected in Minji's eyes. She knows that Minji's eyes showed sorrow, her yearning for her warmth, her longing for love, her eyes wanting happiness, and Hanni knows it all.

Minji might want to bring destruction, and Hanni is committed to being the village's protector. Minji's gaze never left Hanni. She saw Minji's feelings from the moment they locked eyes outside that cave, finally having their awaited reunion after years apart.

Hanni waited to see Minji again, but not like this.

Not with her lifeless body on the ground.

"Hanni!" Danielle's voice echoed through the area.

Minji didn't hurt Danielle. She just made her fall asleep for a day.

If Minji sought destruction, she could have killed them on the spot, but she chose not to.

Hanni's tears kept on falling down while the others just watched her heartbreaking cries.

"Hanni, I want to be one with the stars someday." Minji said while gazing at the stars on the night sky.

"Are y-you one of them n-now?" Hanni questioned the lifeless body of Minji. She gently touched Minji's face, showing a painful smile.

She missed this kind of sensation. The way she caressed Minji's face, the warmth of holding her hand. Now, she can only feel the cold and lifeless hand, hoping for the warmth that had slipped away.

"Minji isn't a traitor!" Hanni shouted, trying to defend her lover. "She's not like that! She will never do something to hurt everyone in the village!"

"Fucking snapped out, Hanni! Minji killed all of the members of our family, with no remose, and her leaving the village standing tall and proud!" Minjoo shouted.

"She's not like that! She's crying! She's vulnerable, her eyes, it's filled of sorrow, you're her sister, why you don't trust her?!"

"She killed everyone, all the kids, all the olders, everyone in the family. She even killed our parents!"

Frustration overwhelmed Hanni, her tears streaming down as she fell to her knees, fists clenched.

Suddenly, Hanni's shout could be heard by her friends. The lights started exploding as a lightning struck the area.

Losing Minji awakened Hanni's ability hidden within.

A few minutes have passed, and Hanni's still holding the girl's hand.

"Please... to all the gods above.. to all the stars.. I'm begging you to b-bring her back to me."

"I've always wished for you to come back to me, come back to my arms, but not like this. I want you to come back to me in one piece."

Hanni's thoughts echoed in her mind as tears continued to flow down.

After hours passed, academy personnel arrived to check their condition. However, they discovered Minji's lifeless form on the cold ground.

They took care of Minji's body as per Hanni's request.

On the other hand, two mysterious people are standing from a distance, watching how the scenario unfolded in front of them.

"How did you manage to persuade the academy's principal? And how did you manage to fool that smartass Wonyoung?" Yujin asked the person beside her.

"Illusion." Minji responded calmly while she watched everyone disappear. "We need to calm the storm so that they'll be unprepared for another one." She added.

"Does your wound hurt?" Yujin asked. She was aware of the wound Minji received. Minji has been stabbed but managed to avoid being hit on her vital parts.

Minji used her ability to summon a fake when Wonyoung's busy at fighting the snake. She skillfully summoned a dead body and used an illusion to hide it.

As Wonyoung thrusts the blade, Minji made sure that the strike would hit her intentionally becauseit'shard to fool Wonyoung. She managed to avoid the vital areas through illusion. She ensured that she would match the location of the body when she fell down on the ground.

Upon falling, Minji effortlessly used illusion to blend her body and presence with the surroundings. After that, she transformed the lifeless body to mirror her appearance using an illusion.

"The wounds are all okay." Minji reassured.

"Hanni, I've heard that this tree grants your wishes." Minji said while looking at a tree.

"Really?" Hanni asked as Minji nodded her head.

"What's your wish?"

"I have three wishes. The first one is that people in our village started dying by the age of 30 to 35, and they said it's a curse. I want that curse to be lifted. The second one is to find justice on my parent's death. The third and last one is to have peace and enjoy the peace. Eversince we're young, war always happened inside our village, it's either one of the clans or empires wage a war against the village or we're being attacked."

"I'll make sure to bring justice and to put an end to war. I'll be the one to bring peace because I'm the only one who could do that." Minji mumbled enough for her to hear it only.

"Are you saying something?" Yujin asked. "Let's go." Minji responded.

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