Falling in love

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"Minjoo unnie, remember when I told you about Minji's blood?"

"Minjoo unnie, Minji's blood stains in unusual, I mean, it has the normal color when in fact, those who have committed crimes, those with malicious intentions or a naturally darker disposition tend to have slightly darker blood." Wonyoung shared her observations with Minjoo as after they checked the Kim Empire.

"And what makes it more suspicious is that everyone she killed seems to share this darker blood type." Wonyoung added.

"Does that mean Kim family..."

"Yes, I do remember that, Won. Is something's wrong?" Minjoo asked the younger. Minjoo's face is filled with curiosity

"I believe that blood reflects a person's beliefs. If someone sees themselves as a person bringing about peace, though it was in a destructive means, their blood might appear normal." Wonyoung explained.

"So, I think that goes the same for Minji. But why? What's the reason? Why does she believe that what she's doing is somehow right?"

"Minji, are you crying?" Minjoo asked her younger sister, who had just come over and wrapped her in a tight hug.

"I... I-I'm.. I'm s-scared, unnie." Minji's voice trembled, and Minjoo continued to hold her.

"Why? Did something happen?"

"Nothing h-happened." Minji replied with a shaky breath.

"Minji is incredibly unpredictable. I can't predict what's going through her mind, what she intends to do, or what she's aware of." Minjoo explained to Wonyoung.

As Minjoo wondered over what might have caused to drive Minji's actions, she couldn't shake the feeling of being completely in the dark about her own sister.

Despite their sibling bond before, Minjoo is utterly clueless about Minji's mind.


"Argh! Can't you be more catious?!" Hanni's voice echoed, frustration evident as she yelled at the girl treating her wounds.

"Hey! Do you not see the injuries covering my body? Yet I'm ordered to prioritize your wounded head?!" The girl shouted, her voice filled with irritation.

"Shut up! Your body can regenerate!"

Just as a few seconds of bickering passed, the girl's wounds started to heal, confirming Hanni's words that she could indeed regenerate.

Suddenly, a familiar voice broke through their exchange. "Hanni, Yujin." They turned their heads towards the doorway, and they find Minji standing there.

"This girl's frustrating, Min!" Hanni exclaimed, pointing at Yujin. "Excuse me?? I feel offended by your annoying words! This woman, I will kill her right here!" Yujin yelled back. Her face showed annoyance.

"Can the both of you calm your asses down?" Minji commanded, grabbing their attention.

"Sorry." They mumbled in unison.

"Yujin, head to our quarters and gather our men. Things are escalating in other villages. The news is probably the reason why they are making their moves." Minji instructed with urgency.

"I understand," Yujin mumbled, causing Hanni to raise an eyebrow in suspicion.

Yujin left the house without saying another word.

"What's your relationship with Yujin?" Hanni questioned Minji, who just responded with, "You don't have to know."

"I want to show you something." Minji said as she sat beside Hanni. "But, I'll be gone for 2 weeks, and I want to show it to you when I come back." She added.

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