Attack and Protect

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Hyein found herself on the battlefield. She is facing a group of infiltrators determined to harm the village.

"You dare to protect a village that doesn't care about you?" One of the assassin taunted, trying to provoke her.

In response, Lee Hyein used her strength and teleportation to defeat all the surrounding enemies.

But her ability alone couldn't stand fighting a hundred trained assassins.

She's still not used to utilizing her ability. Fatigue takes over her after suddenly using her ability without proper training.

"What do you want?!" Hyeinshouted, her exhaustion evident. "We want you to join us. We want your power, Lee Hyein." One of the assassins declared their purpose.

Struggling to stand, Hyein was determined to protect the village, to maje everyonesafe from harm, but her body gave in. Despite using her strength and teleportation, the relentless fighting drained her energy.

She used her strength and teleportation. It takes too much of her energy. She still stood up and then started teleportating and puched them one by one.

A formidable opponent, a man made of steel, appeared before Hyein. A man who specializes in using his super strength and durability.

Her punches were ineffective, and his punch threw the younger away from him due to the intense impact of his punch.

Hyein's body is damaged, and she feels her energy draining. She saw the guy walking towards her.

"If you wouldn't join us, I'll just kill you right on the spot." He threatened, transforming his hand into a sharp metal.

"Is this the end?" Hyein asked as she chuckled. "I never got to say goodbye. Perhaps this is really the fate I have." Hyein added as a tear fell down from her eyes.

But when she thought that everything was about to end, a voice intervened, providing a glimmer of hope.

"Who said you could kill her or take her away?" The girl said, challenging the steel man. "Well, we've gotta fight me first before you could do what you wanted." The girl said as the steel man laughed off the threat.

"As if you could actually defeat me." He said. "We'll see." The girl said as she ran towards him.

The girl summoned a unique hammer, harnessing the power of thunder, and she's the only one who could hold and use it. She sent a decisive blow to the steel man, and he tried to catch it without knowing what the consequences of belittling the hammer were. He wasn't aware that he wouldn't be able to do so.

It hit him right in his head as it massively damaged his eyes and head. Then, the girl disappeared from his eyes. He darted his eyes around, but he was unable to see abd feel her.

Suddenly, a warm hand held his wrist. He was caught off guard, and that's when he realized that he fell victim to the girl's surprise attack, and the girl was now absorbing all his energy.

He felt his body losing energy, as he lost his balance and left defeated on the ground.

"Well, guess who won." She declared, turning her head to see Hyein.

"Hey, Lee Hyein." She called out to the taller girl.

"How did you know my name?" Hyein asked.

"Well, your uniform had a name tag." She responded.

"I forgot about that." Hyein said. "How about you? What's your name? You don't have a name tag on your uniform." Hyein asked.

"I just transferred here this morning, so I don't have my name tag yet, but I'm Kang Haerin."

"Thank you for helping me, Haerin."


"What's your plan for that girl, Minji?" Yujin asked, concerned. "I don't have a plan for her. She shouldn't be included in this dangerous plan," Minji responded.

"But Minji, she's our enemy! We need to kill h-" Yujin was abruptly cut off when Minji locked eyes with her.

Minji's gaze penetrated deeply, sending shivers down Yujin's spine.

"If I said not to touch her, then don't touch her." Minji commanded with authority.

"Anyways, how did it go with Lee Hyein?" Minji asked Yujin, who's looking at the sky, admiring how beautiful it is.

"It seems like she's not that strong enough." Yujin responded.

"That's because she's unable to use all her ability." Minji responded as she sighed. "She need to awaken them in order for our plan to succeed."

"Kim Minji."

A voice echoed mysteriously, as if someone whispered in her ear. Minji darted her eyes around to see whoever did that.

"What the—" Minji reacted, scanning her surroundings for any sign of a presence.

"Kim Minji, you jerk!"

She heard another whisper inside her mind, revealing that someone was using telepathy to connect with her mind.

"Who the hell are you?!" She demanded, her voice rising.

"Minji, are you okay?" Yujin asked, bringing Minji back to reality.

"Someone's talking to me inside my mind." Minji replied to Yujin's concern.

"Kim Minji."

Minji recognized a hint of familiarity in the girl's voice. She heard that voice a while ago, a voice of someone she encountered and fought with.

"Pham Hanni, is that you?"

"If you already know who I am, why are you still asking?"

The voice said sarcastically.

She chuckled upon the girl's reply before continuing to speak, "You're really annoying, you know that?" She said.

Suddenly, Minji sensed a formidable presence in the area. It became evident that the academy's elite people had arrived to defend the village.

"Yujin, you should go." Minji said to her right-hand man. Yujin quickly followed the leader's order.

Suddenly, a light dagger flew towards Minji, but she skillfully avoided it.

"A light dagger?"

She thought to herself before diverting her attention towards the source.

"Remember when you told me that Wonyoubg made a connection with you accidentally? You did the same thing with me. Now, I can locate you."

"I have anticipated your arrival, Hanni." Minji declared with a confident smile on her face.

"I want to protect the village, and you want to attack it." Hanni said, her eyes ablazed.

"If you want to protect the village, prove that you're capable of even landing a scartch on me." Minji provocatively said to Hanni.

Now, facing each other once more, their strengths and determination set them on opposing sides.

Hanni, who's willing to sacrifice herself and stand as the protector

And there, Minji, fueled by the intent to destroy the village that Hanni is willing to sacrifice herself to, stood as the destroyer.

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