~Chapter 25 ~ fallen

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 As the rain poured down relentlessly, Arrax took to the skies with remarkable agility. The challenging weather conditions tested his flying skills to the limit, but he refused to be deterred.

As if drawn by an invisible force, Ryis's senses heightened as she detected a disturbance in the atmosphere. Her ears twitched with anticipation, and she couldn't resist the urge to look skyward. With a quick upward glance, she found herself staring into the vast expanse above, where an awe-inspiring sight awaited her. It was none other than vhagar, the legendary behemoth of a dragon, its massive form casting an ominous shadow that seemed to engulf the world beneath it.

Luke looked up also and his breath shuddered as aemond spoke from his dragon as he hunted them in the sky "you have a debt, boy!" aemond yelled in valerian as he made vhagar duck below the clouds causing Luke to make arrax dodge out of the way

Luke's gaze shifted upwards, his chest tightening as Aemond's voice boomed from atop his dragon, soaring through the sky in pursuit. "You owe me, boy!" Aemond's words echoed in Valyrian, commanding Vhagar to swoop down below the billowing clouds. In response, Luke swiftly maneuverer Arrax to evade the oncoming threat, his heart pounding in his chest.

The tension in the air was palpable as Luke and Aemond engaged in their aerial dance, each move calculated and precise. Aemond's steely gaze bore down on Luke, a silent promise of retribution hanging in the air. Luke gritted his teeth, determination flashing in his eyes as he deftly guided Arrax through the turbulent skies, narrowly avoiding Vhagar's deadly claws.

Luke's command was clear, but Arrax's disobedience led to a chaotic chain of events. The fiery encounter between Arrax and Vhagar escalated quickly, with Ryis getting caught in the crossfire. The dramatic chase through the skies ended with a surprising twist as Arrax found refuge in the crevasse, leaving Ryis to face an unexpected fall.

Plunging into the water below, she experienced a jarring shift that sent shivers down her spine. The impact was far from gentle, causing her to wince as she broke through the water's surface. As she descended further, her body underwent a remarkable transformation. Her dress was no match for the sharp scales and claws that emerged, tearing it apart. Simultaneously, her lower body morphed into a graceful tail, while her hands adapted into webbed structures.

With a sense of urgency, she propelled herself through the water, desperately seeking the surface. As she emerged, her eyes were immediately drawn to the heavens above. But instead of the serene blue sky she had hoped for, her gaze was met with a terrifying sight. Flames tore through the once peaceful clouds, casting an eerie glow upon the world below. The deafening silence that followed was haunting, as if the very essence of life had been extinguished. 

 In that moment, there was no raging storm to be heard, no crackling fire to be seen. The chaos that should have accompanied such a spectacle was absent, replaced only by an unsettling stillness. Her heart pounded in her chest as she strained her eyes to make sense of the surreal scene unfolding before her. And then, amidst the remnants of the dissipating flames, she caught a glimpse of something unexpected. A shape, descending gracefully through the billowing clouds, resembling a majestic wing.

As she glided through the water, her gaze fixed on the distant silhouette of vhagar soaring away, she propelled herself towards the spot where the wing had fallen. A wave of nausea washed over her as she realized what she was looking at. It was arraxs wing... The sight left her stunned, her heart sinking with a heavy sadness.

Overwhelmed by a mix of emotions, she frantically scanned the surroundings, desperately hoping to find Luke. But he was nowhere to be seen, as if he had vanished into thin air. Her heart sank even further, weighed down by the crushing emptiness that enveloped her. The absence of any trace of him left her feeling lost and abandoned. 

As she floated in the embrace of the ocean's depths, her eyes fixated on the distant sky above. The once vibrant creature now appeared lifeless, her tail motionless and her spirit crushed. The silence of the underwater world enveloped her, amplifying the ache in her heart. And then, a sudden and thunderous sound reverberated from the ocean floor, shattering the fragile tranquillity and sending shockwaves through her being. 

Siren song - Jacaerys Velaryon HOTD fanficTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang