Part 4

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In Dale, the people were already on the lookout. Loud drumming and the sound of trumpets welcomed the new prince. The people threw flowers at Frerin once he came riding inside the city wall. "Prince Frerin! Our beloved prince!" Shouted the people. Naturally, this made Frerin and Terwyn smile. Thorin did not smile often, so it was only natural that even now he simply nodded to the people and kept a tight look ahead, always on the lookout for danger. After they had ridden through Dale, Frerin wanted to have a race back with the ponies. Although Thorin immediately said that a prince was not supposed to race, Terwyn was already urging her pony while shouting that she was not a princess which meant she could do whatever she wanted. As a result, Frerin and Thorin also had to go after her since they could not let her ride unprotected.

Arriving back at Erebor, they left the ponies at the barn where servants would take care of them while the royals had to get ready for lunch. Although Terwyn was not normally entitled to a place at the table with the king and his children and grandchildren, Frerin had gotten her to join him at the table for many years. So today Terwyn was once again allowed to sit next to Frerin at the table and enjoy the banquet. For once that afternoon, it was not about the other kingdoms of dwarves or battles or gold. This day seemed to be entirely about Frerin which Terwyn liked. Secretly, Frerin had always been her great hero and the fact that he always treated her like she was as good as him always made her feel special anyway when he was around. To Frerin, she was not the abandoned child, the stranger or outsider. Frerin treated her as a friend, even better he even treated her like a princess. Frerin was normally supposed to train every day in sword fighting or archery or he was supposed to help make decisions in important royal plans but mostly he did not care about this and spent as much time as possible with Terwyn.

That night, of course, there was a big party in Erebor, all dwarves from Erebor and the important families from other dwarven realms like the Blue Mountains or Iron Hills came to the party. Dwarves played many instruments, they drank and ate plenty and even danced to the music. At most royal feasts in Erebor, Terwyn was not allowed to attend; Thror did not want the other powerful dwarves to find out that he had included a foundling like Terwyn in his family. Soon they too would think she was a spy and then they might start to doubt Thror's authority. But so today she was allowed to be there as everyone in Erebor celebrated, just as she was there for Thorin and Dis birthday. She watched from a distance in the early evening as all the dwarves who arrived first went to greet and praise King Thror before also walking over to Thrain, Thorin and Frerin to congratulate the young prince. Once all the dwarves had arrived, the musicians sang a birthday song for the prince. For a moment, Terwyn dreamed of what it would be like if she too had such a birthday party one day. For a moment, she dreamed of how she would look in a golden robe, with a crown on her head. She dreamt of how mighty dwarves would greet her and how she would have a birthday dance with a prince after this, preferably with Frerin of course!

Soon she was sucked back into reality once a hand was placed on her shoulder. When she turned around, she saw Dis standing there smiling happily at her.

"Hey dreamer, shouldn't you go to your new prince to congratulate him once again?" Dis asked with a mysterious smile which made Terwyn smile weakly for a moment as she nodded.

"Maybe yes, soon people will think I didn't want to come, for the one time I get to party!" Said Terwyn then after which Dis nodded and gave her a push towards Frerin. Once she was close to him, she gently put her hand on his shoulder so that he looked at her.

"May I congratulate you my dear prince? Your crown suits you perfectly! I am sure our kingdom is in very good hands with you as prince!" Terwyn said with a broad smile that made Frerin start to laugh. "Thank you Terwyn, I was wondering where you were! Would you like to open this dance with me?" He immediately asked causing her to look at him in surprise for a moment.

Philophobia - Thorin Oakenshield - English versionWhere stories live. Discover now