Part 18

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It was a warm day for the time of year. Durin's day was really close now. So in Erebor, all preparations were already being made for the feast. Thorin was walking on the tips of his toes; his father and grandfather wanted him to choose a dwarf woman to bond with on Durin's day. The time had come for Thorin to also start thinking about marriage and children. Thorin himself had absolutely no desire for this yet and Terwyn too, of course, thought it ridiculous that his father and grandfather were forcing him to do so. She herself, of course, said nothing. This she dared not to, since Frerin's death King Thror had already watched her enough and any mistake she made was enough for him to look down on her even more.

Thror more and more lived a reclusive life, he often seemed to hide himself. Often stayed in his chambers, sat dreaming on his throne or browsing the treasure chambers among all his gold cups, plates, coins, and diamonds. More and more often he could be found back in the treasure chambers while gazing at all his riches. Terwyn often heard Thorin talking about it to Thrain, who of course then told his son not to meddle in other people's pursuits.

Yet he was right, his grandfather was obsessed with his wealth and that never meant anything good. Not that Terwyn cared much what the king did or what happened to him, he never really cared about her so let alone that she really cared about him.

Sometime in the early afternoon just after lunch, Terwyn walked with Farryn through the corridors on their way to the balcony where they could look out over the city of Dale. She thought it was a nice place in the mountain, somewhere it offered safety, and at the same time she could enjoy the fresh air and the distant view. As they stood on the lookout, enjoying the sun's rays on their faces, Terwyn heard a non-human cry coming from the distance. For a moment, she thought she was dreaming and softly shook her head. Only when she heard another cry sounding closer did she look up. The guards who were on the balcony were also already looking around confused. Suddenly Terwyn saw Balin and Thorin walking onto the balcony.

"Balin give the signal, let Dale prepare!" Terwyn heard Thorin say.

"What is it?" Asked Balin.

"A Dragon" Thorin hissed after pausing for a moment and listening to a deep creak of trees crashing to the ground. After this, Thorin also shouted from the balcony inwards that a dragon was coming. Another deafening shriek and a few flying trees were the first image Terwyn got of a gigantic creature that only had one purpose, to destroy lives and destroy property to take possession of itself.

"Run Terry!" Shouted Thorin whereupon Terwyn grabbed Farryn without looking back and ran deeper into the mountain.

Thorin himself grabbed hold of his faithful friend Balin and went to hide behind a large stone pillar, just in time before the dragon unloaded its fire on the balcony. Terwyn herself hid in a the corridor of the royal chambers where she also found Dis and Farin and the children. Erebor's army was already at the entrance to attack the dragon once it broke open the doors. Something that would not last long judging by the flames that penetrated through every crevice. Terwyn could not deny she was terrified, she suddenly felt glad her daughter and husband did not have to go through this.

Would this be the way she had to meet her end? The way Farryn was to meet his end? Was Erebor really going to be a tomb? For a moment, she really started to believe that she was bringing all the misfortune to the dwarven people and the mountain.

She didn't have long to think about this, a firm grip around her arm from Dis brought her back to reality. Just in time to see the dragon break down the huge doors and pieces of the walls around them and storm in, burning everything in its path or knocking it out of the way with its glowing breath and gigantic paws. No soldier was equal to this kind of creature. Dis ran ahead in the corridors with the children behind her and Farin at the very back, Terwyn had never been happier as she used to always run through the castle and go and hide everywhere with Frerin herself in rooms where they were not otherwise allowed. This ensured that they now quickly found an exit that led them outside where they were reunited with a part of their people. "Please let Thorin and Balin be safe too." Terwyn still thought as she looked around in fear.

Philophobia - Thorin Oakenshield - English versionWhere stories live. Discover now