Part 23

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The next day, everyone stayed in bed a little longer than usual. It was now up to the women to tend to their men. Terwyn too walked to Thorin's tent around noon with Farryn in her arms.

"Uncle, uncle get up!" Cried the little boy when he saw Thorin still in bed.

He swiftly woke Thorin up, immediately putting a smile on the dwarf's face. Terwyn her son next to Thorin in bed causing him to immediately crawl on Thorin's lap.

"It's already lunch time uncle!" The child complained.

"Well did I sleep for so long? Thank goodness you came to wake me up!" Thorin smiled after which he hugged the little boy.

"I must tend to your wounds my prince.' Terwyn said a little later as she placed a bucket of water next to Thorin's bed and took a cloth.

"Ah I feel fine you know." Thorin tried but Terwyn shook her head.
"Farryn make some room dear." She softly ordered her son before she undid the bandage she tied around his shoulder, side and leg yesterday. In a way, it felt strange to see Thorin almost naked. Many times she had tended Frerin when he returned from battle. Usually the wounds may not have been that bad, but still the point was that she had never seen another man so naked. Thorin was certainly a handsome and strongly built dwarf she could not deny that. She also wanted to take care of him, but still it felt a bit strange.

"Uncle are you in a lot of pain?" Asked little Farryn as he looked at the deep wound in Thorin's side. "Oh no, I'm fine!" The dwarven prince tried to sound strong, but Terwyn saw how hard he was biting his teeth as she used the cloths to clean and re-bandage the wounds.

"Aren't these straining too hard?' she asked as she wrapped the cloth around Thorin's waist. Thorin shook his head softly "You are doing very well." He said causing Terwyn to continue with his leg. When this one too was done she wanted to stand up, but just at that moment Thorin put his hand on her cheek causing Terwyn to look up at him in surprise for a moment.

"Thank you Terry." Thorin softly spoke. Terwyn didn't know what to do or say for a moment, so she took Thorin's hand and smilingly gave it a squeeze before she went to pour away the water and hung out the cloth.

"Farryn could get you some food for your uncle?" She asked after which the little boy happily nodded and walked away.

"Terwyn come here please?" She heard Thorin mumble. When she sat next to him, the latter suddenly laid his head on her shoulder.

"I should have listened to you yesterday." He suddenly admitted after which Terwyn sighed and wrapped her arms around him in a caring manner.

"Forget what I said, it's not that simple, you had to go to war. I'm glad you're alive Thorin." She replied.

"I know nothing of ruling or war councils, don't listen to me." She laughed which made Thorin shake his head. "Know that I will always appreciate your advice, no matter how useless." He spoke with a smile before pressing a kiss to Terwyn's forehead. Terwyn felt herself blushing as she laid both hand palms on each side of his cheeks before looking up into his bright blue eyes.

"Just never go to war again if your gut tells you it feels wrong." She spoke in a serious tone.

Thorin bit his lip before softly nodding his eyes still locked with hers so she knew he meant it after which he carefully got up to get dressed. When Farin returned with some food, both stayed with Thorin for a while before walking around the rest of the camp and seeing if anyone else needed help. Terwyn also helped Balin and Dwalin with their wounds. The brothers who had been a great support to both King Thror and Thrain since childhood, as well as Thorin. Balin as a counsellor and Dwalin as a fighter. After this, she offered them something to eat as well before going to Dis, Fili and Kili to eat something with them and stay with them for the rest of the day. Dis more than needed her support and Terwyn understood her all too well. When evening approached, everyone gathered to light the campfire so that King Thror and Farin could be burnt. This way Dis, Fili and Kili had the chance to say goodbye to their husband, their father. Thorin was the one to light the fire as he was saying goodbye to his grandfather and brother in law. Now it was time to let them go for good, may the flames and wind bring their ashes back to their home Erebor. When the fire started, Thorin stepped forward to speak a few words.

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