Part 31

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Now that Terwyn was traveling alone, there was little time to rest or search for food. In the Misty Mountains, there was little food to be found, but fortunately, she still had a supply of food that she received from Beorn when she headed towards the Iron Hills. She was sparing with it since she didn't know when she would be able to eat again. She never dared to stay anywhere for long since danger lurked everywhere, so there wasn't much sleep either.

Then, one sunny morning, when she finally spotted some greenery, she quickened her pace, soon overlooking the valley of Imladris. That's what Beorn called it. Here, the elves would dwell. Terwyn wasn't particularly fond of elves, especially not after the strange encounter in the Greenwood, where she still wasn't sure if the elf truly helped her or if they were just stricter about guarding the borders to capture dwarves. In the valley, she might have to beg or half-starve since she had already depleted Beorn's supply. She cautiously entered the valley and went exploring. She heard many birds chirping, rabbits hopping in the bushes, and in the background, the soothing sound of waterfalls. This place was possibly one of the most beautiful places she had ever seen, and the valley wasn't unfamiliar to her. She could almost swear she had been there before.

After wandering through the valley for hours, she saw a fox running. If she could catch it, she would have food for at least a week! Just as she took her bow and arrow, the fox darted into the bushes, but Terwyn was determined not to lose sight of her prey and pursued it. As fast and silently as possible, she followed the fox, through the path and the undergrowth, she didn't care as long as she caught the fox. Just as it stopped again to drink from a fountain, and Terwyn drew her bow, elves surrounded her.

"Don't move," she was warned, causing Terwyn to look around in shock. How had they found her again?

"Stand up carefully and lower your bow," the same elf spoke, and Terwyn complied, not wanting to get into trouble.

"If you would now follow us?" the elf asked, and Terwyn looked at him strangely.

"To where? I don't know you and would prefer to continue my journey freely," she said uncertainly.

"My name is Baradir, you are in our territory, and therefore you must follow me to Lord Elrond," the elf spoke solemnly, causing Terwyn to furrow her brow; the name Elrond was not entirely unfamiliar to her. She had met him before. Although she forgot who this elf was or what role he played in her life.

"If you please?" the elf spoke again, and Terwyn nodded and followed him, surrounded by the other four elves. Soon, the dwarf woman walked over the many bridges and paths the elves had designed to easily move from one building to another.

Arriving at a large open platform that offered a view of the entire valley, the elves stopped.

"My lord, I hope I'm not disturbing, but we found an intruder," Baradir spoke, after which two elves who were talking in the background stood up from their seats.

"Arwen, why don't you go see where your brothers are for dinner?" one said. He was clearly a proud elven lord, his long robes and the crown on his head making him look mighty. The woman was likely his daughter; she had the same peaceful yet wise look on her face, and her attire indicated she was an important person. After she nodded briefly, she disappeared down a staircase. Then, the man who must be Elrond turned around.

"Bring the intruder forward," he spoke softly. Terwyn recognized his voice, his face.

"You're the one who found me," Terwyn muttered suddenly, causing the elves to look at her with a confused expression.

"Lord Elrond, you found me, raised me, and ultimately brought me to the dwarves!" Terwyn spoke more clearly, causing Elrond to come closer, a smile appearing on his face.

Philophobia - Thorin Oakenshield - English versionWhere stories live. Discover now