Part 13

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After a long journey, they finally saw the mountain before them rising up against the clouds.

"Look here little girl, our home!" Said Frerin proudly to his little daughter as he pointed to Erebor. Terwyn next pressed a kiss on Frerin's cheek.

"We're home." The prince whispered proudly with his dwarf wife nodding. Just before they arrived at the great gates, they were already opened with Dis and Thorin running towards them enthusiastically. "Little brother, little sister!" Shouted Thorin before hugging Frerin and also pressing a kiss on Terwyn's forehead before turning to the child.

"Look what a beautiful child, who would have thought! My little brother has a child long before me!" Laughed Thorin as Dis too greeted the couple and took the chuild away from Thorin to admire it herself.

"She's beautiful!" She smiled at Terwyn.

"Come on let's go inside father is already waiting!" Thorin spoke, Frerin firmly taking Terwyn's hand as a sign of support.

Arriving in the Throne Room, of course, Thror was already sitting on his throne on guard while his son Thrain could be found proudly by his side.

"Father!" Frerin greeted his father cheerfully "My lord." He spoke politely to his grandfather.

"Frerin, Terwyn! How good to see you back here!" Spoke Thrain

"Then again with such a beautiful gift!" He continued briefly before walking towards the couple. "What is the name of this beautiful girl?" He asked as he neatly took her from Terwyn's arms who was not entirely comfortable with this at all.

Thror pretended not to notice her reserved attitude as he rose from his throne.

"Welcome, Welcome my prince, Terwyn and your child. I hope you had a good journey." The king spoke with Terwyn bowing politely as Frerin answered his question.

"You must be hungry!" Thror added, Frerin and Terwyn already nodding a little harder.

"Certainly my lord." Said Frerin.

"Well then I'll let you go to your quarters first and I'll see you at dinner soon."

Terwyn took over her daughter from Thrain again and quickly followed Frerin to his room which was now also her room.

They quickly dropped all their belongings, freshened up and then went to dinner with the king, Thrain, Thorin, Dis and her husband. Although Terwyn was still a bit tense, that tension soon fell off her shoulders once they were seated at the table and she and Frerin were able to talk openly about their stay in the Iron Hills. Thror was even genuinely interested and behaved exceptionally friendly. Although Terwyn initially suspected that this would soon change, he remained well-behaved throughout the evening and was genuinely happy to see the two of them well and truly back.

The next morning, Terwyn awoke to the tapping of birds smashing their nuts against the edges of the mountain. Slowly, she opened her eyes and immediately looked up proudly at her beloved prince lying beside her. With her prince by her side she felt like she could take on all of Middle Earth. That and the realisation that she was back in Erebor, that King Thror finally seemed to respect her was everything she had dreamed of for a long time. Now she had a beautiful daughter of her own to complete the happiness.

After she crawled out of bed to freshen up and get dressed, she also took her little daughter out of bed to do the same before waking Frerin.

"Good morning prince." She murmured softly in his ear and pressed a kiss to his forehead, causing him to hide his face in his pillow for a moment but after this also to look up happily at Terwyn and Teylin.

"Good morning my dearest princesses!" The prince murmured. He pressed a kiss to Terwyn's lips and took his little daughter in his arms. However, the two could not enjoy each other's company for long because soon there was a knock on the door, at which Terwyn opened it and Thorin walked in, greeting the couple and their child.

"Well you there, have you sometimes forgotten that people here have expectations of you prince?" Asked Thorin then after which Frerin sighed for a moment.

"No way!" He quickly said after which he handed Teylin back to Terwyn and quickly stood up.

"I'm ready!" Muttered the prince as he half jumped around to get his clothes and shoes on. Thorin laughed at him for a moment before waiting outside for his brother to join him.

Terwyn herself, of course, had no real obligations here so she could do whatever she wanted all day. For instance, she went for a walk with Dis since the two had a lot to catch up on. Dis also insisted that she helped take care of Teylin. Now that she herself was expecting her first child, Terwyn fully understood that all too well. Soon her little daughter would have a friend to play with which only made her feel more exited.

The days flew by now that Terwyn was back home with her family. She did miss Fain and the people of the Iron Hills, but fortunately she still often sent letters with the ravens to the Iron Hills, which Fain gladly answered to.

Thror seemed to have really changed and had gained respect for Terwyn, whether this was because he did not want to lose his grandson or because he was starting to genuinely care about her did not even matter to Terwyn anymore. All she wanted was a quiet home with a good family which she now had. She therefore did not want to come across as benefiting from the fact that she was officially a princess and still helped in the kitchen preparing food. Terwyn had always loved to cook. Before she left Erebor she was already helping in the kitchen, this habit she wanted to continue now that she often had time to spare anyway since Dis liked taking care of Teylin. She might be seen as a princess now, but that didn't mean she didn't have to do anything all day.

Philophobia - Thorin Oakenshield - English versionWhere stories live. Discover now