Part 24

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A month later, the people of Erebor arrived in the Iron Hills where Dain had seen them coming from afar and was awaiting them.

"Thorin? Cousin where are the rest of the people?" He asked with an anxious look.

"They died in the mountain, died in Moria, fled, who's to say?" Thorin replied. Terwyn saw the weariness in his eyes increasing day by day, to this point that it seemed he would not be able to utter another word without nodding off.

"It was a long tiring journey perhaps we can all rest first and then discuss what all happened." Terwyn quickly suggested.

"The people are safe, you have earned your rest." Dis also said to Thorin, the whole journey Dis had been keeping incredibly strong considering the situation with Farin. She barely had time to grieve or she already had to be strong and ready for the people and her two sons. Terwyn had carried Farryn on her back for several days because the boy was still too small to walk long distances, but Dis had also done the same for Kili. Where she got the energy from Terwyn could not say, but she was so proud of her sister. Exhausted, everyone therefore went to their designated room and after Terwyn put Farryn to bed and told him another story of how his sister had been born here and how everyone loved her immediately, how they would love him now, the little boy fell into a deep sleep.

Terwyn soon fell asleep too even though it was only for a short period of time, a soft knock on the door suddenly woke her from her slumber. Carefully Thorin poked his head in.

"Am I disturbing?" He asked after which Terwyn quickly shook her head and got out of bed.

"Come in." She softly spoke afraid of waking Farryn. When the dwarven prince entered she led him to the sitting area. "I couldn't sleep, the pain in my shoulder just doesn't seem to go away." Thorin said after which Terwyn asked him to remove his clothes so she could check his shoulder once more. She had to admit it did not look good. The wound looked completely inflamed and she felt Thorin tensing up all over from the slightest touch. Nevertheless, she had to clean it and she continued until it looked a bit better again.

"You really need to rest." She sighed after which she led Thorin to her bed. At first he refused to stay here but Terwyn obliged.

"This way I am sure that you are really resting." She said after which he agreed and lay down. He looked briefly at the other side of the room where Farryn was sleeping and spoke to Terwyn about how much he already looked like Frerin. It made Terwyn smile as she sat down next to Thorin and chatted with him. So the two continued to chat about Frerin for a time, about the past, the mountain until Thorin fell asleep in the middle of Terwyn's story. Not that she minded, he had more than earned his rest! She sat next to him a little longer, studying his features, he looked so fragile and young as he was asleep. She felt so sorry for the heavy burden that rested on his shoulders, she would give or do anything if she could only take it from him, but there was nothing a simple dwarf like her could do.

Nothing but be there for him and so she took his hand and softly squeezed it.

"We are so proud of you Thorin, we all love you, now rest." She whispered before softly kissing his cheek and going to bed herself, she threw one last look at the two dwarf men in the room before falling to sleep herself.

Thorin had done everything he could to lead the people safely and well here, but it was not without consequence. He spent the next few days walking like a zombie, barely eating, hardly speaking and mostly sleeping or having nightmares about their lost home and the lost battle. Dis too seemed to realise only now that Farin was never coming back to her and the children and she too isolated herself. Terwyn seemed the only one happy for what was left and what possibilities were still open. She felt safe again in the Iron Hills, she was happy to catch up with Fain and Dain. She was relieved to see how well Farryn was feeling, slowly but surely the frightened boy was blossoming again, playing with other dwarf children and letting himself be spoiled by the people while Terwyn watched smiling. Even Fili and Kili seemed to cheer up and could be persuaded by Farryn to join in the play.

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