Part 10

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Once prince Thorin and prince Frerin finally arrived in the Iron Hills with some soldiers, Terwyn paced through the throne room, nervously waiting to see her prince again. Once the doors opened and the princes both walked in, King Gror greeted them first. Thorin bowed deeply to King Gror and Frerin followed right after him before his eyes fell on Terwyn who was standing next to Fain, Dain protectively standing next to the two women.

For a moment, Terwyn saw Frerin's face change to an angry expression, then disappointment and even sadness followed before the prince abruptly turned around and walked away.

"Frerin!" Shouted Terwyn fearful after which she immediately stumbled forward making Thorin walk towards her.

"Lady Terwyn, calm down." He soothed her trying to reach for her hand, but Terwyn looked past him to the doors through which Frerin disappeared.

"Thorin where is he going? What has happened?" Asked Terwyn with tears in her eyes and a lump in her throat.

"I should ask you that." Thorin then said after which he looked at the obviously pregnant dwarf woman with the puzzled expression on her face.

"It's not what you think Thorin, I need to speak to Frerin, that's why I had you come!" She then said urgently after which Thorin nodded.

"I'll get him." He promised swiftly walking away which soon made Fain come back and put a hand on Terwyn's shoulder to calm her down.

Meanwhile, Thorin walked across the square in front of Iron Hills towards the bushes where he found Frerin by the tree under which Terwyn also often sat.

"Why did she make us come here Thorin! What did they do to her? What has become of us? Where did the promise go?" Cried Frerin angrily from as Thorin sat down next to his brother.

"Frerin, how can you judge something so quickly without having listened to her?" The eldest dwarf prince spoke firmly.

"Is it not clear enough for you? She is pregnant Thorin! She doesn't love me anymore!" Sobbed Frerin then.

Thorin shook his head. "You don't know what you're saying, you didn't even give her a chance to say anything! She is now standing there terrified and crying alone Frerin, but you didn't see that because of your foolish action. Learn to control your emotions and go back and listen to what she has to say, then you can know what is really going on and only then you can judge!" Said Thorin then sternly to his little brother.

After this, Frerin seemed to think for a moment and calmed down after which he stood up and walked back inside with Thorin.

Terwyn escorted the two princes to her room without saying another word. There they sat down on the couch in silence after which Terwyn took a deep breath before starting to talk.

"Frerin, Thorin please let me speak up before judging what I have to say? I hardly know how to say it so please don't turn your back on me." Mumbled Terwyn after a time of silence. Her voice trembled dangerously but Frerin refused to take her hand or put an arm around her as he would have done if they were still the happy couple as they were in Erebor.

"The judgment I make will depend on what you tell me now Lady Terwyn." The young prince said coldly.

"Frerin, everything you see and think is not what it seems! I am not pregnant by Prince Dain, Dain never touched me with a finger or at least not in the way a man touches his wife. This child, the child I am carrying is yours my prince!" Terwyn spoke then as she was looking at her hands in her lap. When there was no immediate response she doubtfully looked up to the man she longed to see for months.

"Terry?" Began Thorin then. "Terwyn do you mean that, I'm becoming Uncle Thorin?" He continued cheerfully after which Terwyn nodded.

"Oh what great news little one!" Thorin laughed after which he hugged Terwyn briefly.

When Terwyn let go of Thorin both looked at Frerin "Frerin?" She mumbled slightly afraid of his reaction.

"Is this for real? Are you sure this is my child?" Frerin asked doubtfully. Terwyn bit her lip softly and nodded. "Frerin you are the only one I ever cared about, the only possible father of this child is you and I already had a suspicion when I still lived in Erebor but it never seemed the right time to inform you about this. One day it was too late and then I came here and well now there is no escaping it." The dwarf woman then said after which Frerin jumped straight and pulled her into his arms.

"Terwyn dear! Terry how could I not have known this before, I promise you that from now on I will be there forever, for you and the child! I won't let anything on nobody hurt you!" The prince said cheerfully before he kissed Terwyn and they looked at each other with proud shining eyes. For a moment, all the rest did not matter, they had found each other again and that was the most important thing for Terwyn and her prince.

After talking for a while about life in the Iron Hills, Thorin decided to catch up with Dain and King Gror so that Terwyn and Frerin could spent some time together.

Although there were undoubtedly many things they could catch up on, they did not say a word. The silence was not uncomfortable, it just felt like they were both back home in Erebor for a while, alone in Frerin's room where no one would disturb them.

Frerin had put his hands on Terwyn's belly and felt how the baby seemed to kick every now and then as if it realised that its mum and dad had finally been reunited.

"I am incredibly sorry we have to see each other again in such a way my prince." Terwyn said after observing her dream prince for a while. This made Frerin look up at her in surprise

"There is no more beautiful way than this my princess." He replied.

"You are more beautiful than ever, I will soon become a father, I am the happiest prince in all of Middle Earth Terry." Frerin said softly before pressing a kiss on her nose, and another on her lips.

"This baby will have the best parents ever!" He promised pressing another kiss on her bulging belly.

Thus the happy couple stayed together all afternoon, at dinner Frerin thanked Gror for his help and hospitality.

The princes who were tired from their journey went to their rooms to sleep soon after dinner, Terwyn however had other plans, for her there was not much to sleep that night. She stayed next to Frerin, holding the prince close to her as if afraid that everything would be just a dream, that if she fell asleep or let go of him he would suddenly disappear. Eventually she managed to catch a few hours of sleep only to wake up the next morning in Frerin's arms.

"Good morning." the prince whispered before pressing a kiss to her lips. "Good morning." Terwyn replied softly, a smile appearing on Frerin's lips.

"So what are we doing today?" The prince then asked, at this it was Terwyn's turn to smile once.

"Well maybe it would be fun if you see what I've filled my days with over the past few months, what places I've discovered here and so on?" She suggested to which Frerin then immediately agreed.

As Terwyn showed her prince around the Iron Hills, it soon became clear that Frerin was extremely worried about his princess and constantly protected her from everything that could go wrong. For instance, he was worried about Terwyn's unborn child, asking every ten minutes if she should not sit down. Or he was afraid she would injure herself after they went to the archery for a while.

So eventually Terwyn took some rest by sitting down in her favourite spot and having a picnic there with Frerin.

Days passed, everything finally seemed to go back to the way it should be. Terwyn and Frerin were reunited, there were no more secrets, there was not even anyone trying to drive them apart. Real life seemed finally able to begin. But of course, all good fairy tales come to an end, and good moments cannot last forever.

Philophobia - Thorin Oakenshield - English versionWhere stories live. Discover now