Part 6

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In the middle of the night two hands were suddenly placed on Terwyn's mouth, wildly she was startled awake but could do nothing as two guards of King Thror held her down.

"Terwyn you are kindly requested to follow us, the king and prince want to speak to you." The guards said calmly. It did not look like she had much choice so Terwyn just nodded after which she was given some time to get dressed.

When she left the room the guards showed her the way. They walked her out of Erebor, where on the lookout she found Thrain and king Thror. Terwyn carefully walked towards them and made a dignified bow "Good evening lord." She murmured as she bowed to Thror.

"Prince Thrain" Terwyn murmured before turning to Thror again.

"Terwyn, any idea why you are standing here?" King Thror then asked after which she looked at him for a moment not understanding and then also shook her head.

"We are onto you little witch, we know of your plans there is no point denying it!" Said Thror more menacingly causing her to take a step back.

"I have no plans my lord, what are you talking about?" Squeaked Terwyn.

"I have had you watched for some time Terwyn and I know about you and Frerin, but I am warning you. You must keep your paws off the prince, you stay away from him!"

"My lord what plays between me and Frerin is not entirely in my hands." Terwyn tried innocently but Thrain laughed "Don't pretend that what you have is love child! You are a traitor, taking advantage of my son to remove us all from the throne! I assure you, you will no longer use my son and his kindness!" Hissed Thrain.

'Lord please, I am not a traitor! I really love Frerin!" The girl tried but Thror silenced her. "Don't fool me child! I've been watching you from the first day you arrived here. You will never get to the throne! I have waited for this moment for a long time, but now it has finally arrived! Terwyn you are banished from Erebor!" Said King Thror.

Terwyn's eyes grew big and filled with tears, hopeless and scared the girl looked around for help, but there seemed to be no one who could help her.

"Lord, you can't do this! Where should I go? I have nothing or no one outside Erebor!" She mumbled fearfully. "That's not our problem go back to the elves who brought you here!" Hissed the king.

"Get your things from your room and disappear before the sun rises!"

"Guards, take her and watch her!" Thrain spoke before Terwyn was grabbed again and taken to her room where she was allowed to gather her most important belongings. Tears rolled down her cheeks but she dared not cry out, she hardly dared to breathe so after she had all the most important things, the guards pulled her away again and slammed the door shut.

Just before the guards dragged Terwyn down the stairs, Thorin came up the stairs from the other side which meant that the army was back and Terwyn regained some hope.

"What is going on here?" Thorin shouted angrily after which he quickly walked towards Terwyn. "Prince Thorin, Terwyn has been banished, you are not allowed near her." Said one of the guards causing Thorin to draw his sword.

"I am the prince of Erebor here, I order you to keep your distance from Lady Terwyn!" He hissed menacingly and if Terwyn was honest, Thorin's wild look frightened even her. He always exuded great authority and demanded that people listen to him or he would make them listen, but the way he looked down on the guards now made Terwyn shiver.

"Prince Thorin, your grandfather banished her, there is nothing you can do." The guard tried but Thorin only laughed at him. "We will see about that!"

"Come along Terwyn, I'm not done here yet." The prince continued after which he put his arm around the shivering girl and took her to King Thror and his father Thrain. "What is the meaning of this!" He shouted.

"Thorin, what are you doing? She has been banished!" Said the king to his grandson.

"She is part of the family lord, for what reason did you banish her?" Asked the young prince knowing what he wanted.

"It doesn't matter!" Tried Thorin's father to soothe his son but this had the opposite effect.

"It certainly matters! This girl was left for dead in the misty mountains, was taken in with elves before finally getting a home she deserved, how can you take all this away from her again? What reason could be good enough for that?" He furiously asked after which Thror rose from his throne.

"Any reason I choose, you are too gullible Thorin. From the very beginning I sensed something was wrong and I was right, I should never have let her in here! First she stole Frerin's heart and now she is already manipulating you too!"

Thorin didn't seem to want to hear any more of it.

"Frerin loves her and she loves him! In all these years no one has ever treated her normally, she had no real family until now thanks to Frerin. If you send her away Frerin will go after her and I will follow him! Love is no reason to send her away!" The prince objected.

Terwyn still held her arms tightly around Thorin as she was so scared she was trembling all over her body.

"She is only after our gold Thorin, why did the elves bring her here, of all the dwarven kingdoms the elves bring her here in Erebor. The most powerful and richest dwarven kingdom in all of Middle Earth, this is no coincidence!" Hissed Thror.

"You care about nothing but gold! It's a disease!' Hissed Thorin back.

"You may be a king with a crown on your head but that doesn't make you more powerful, all the gold and your riches what are they worth in life if there is no love in it?" The prince asked bitterly after which both Thror and Thrain looked silently at the prince.

Thorin already turned his face to look at the trembling dwarf lady he was holding against his body.

"I will take her back to her room, remember my words. If you throw her out, Frerin and I will go with her."

Thorin took her backpack in his hands before carefully guiding her back to her room.

"Thorin you can't do this, they are your...your family, you are the prince of Erebor this is not how you honour yourself." Prevaricated Terwyn before they reached her room.

Thorin shook his head.

"This is not about family or honour, this is about loyalty, truth and honesty. You never did anything wrong to Erebor, they can't send you away!" He spoke.

Suddenly Frerin walked through the door his eyes going wide as he saw the tears on Terwyn's cheeks. "Terwyn what happened?"

Instead of answering Terwyn ran to him and jumped into his arms after which they held each other tightly. "Thror knows about your relationship and wanted to banish her, I stopped him." Thorin explained briefly after which Frerin looked at him gratefully.

"How?" He asked his big brother, Thorin shook his head.

"That doesn't matter, be careful and look after her." Was all the prince said before walking away. Frerin pulled Terwyn into his arms and carried her to bed, not intending to leave her alone with king Thror or Thrain ever again.

Philophobia - Thorin Oakenshield - English versionWhere stories live. Discover now