Part 5

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"My birthday where I finally got to dance with the most beautiful and sweetest dwarf woman in all of Erebor! I couldn't imagine a better present." Frerin then suddenly mumbled causing Terwyn to look at him in surprise, was he talking about her?

"Yes you, surely Terwyn you must know that all these years I've harboured feelings for you, so many years I've had to hold back." Frerin began, Terwyn looked at him in disbelief.

This couldn't be true Dis and Thorin had to have talked to Frerin about this. No, this had to be a dream! Frerin got down on his knees in front of Terwyn.

"Terwyn to my grandfather you are but a treacherous dwarf, to my father you are an outsider, to Thorin a good friend and to Dis a sister but me? Terwyn to me you have always been so much more!" Frerin softly spoke, causing tears of happiness to well up in Terwyn's eyes.

Did he mean this? Could it really be true? Was it true after all that the one and only Prince Frerin of Erebor loved the pathetic outsider Terwyn?

"Terry..." Frerin breathed but he decided not to say anything more and just bridged those last metres between him and Terwyn after which his lips softly touched hers. His beard tickled her face lightly but his warm and soft lips stroking hers caused her to gently place her hands in his hair and neck as he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her onto his lap. Slowly, the kiss intensified until both had to catch their breath again and looked deeply into each other's eyes, still not quite realising what just happened a smile broke through on Frerin's face as Terwyn gently bit her lip before smiling too. Quietly she looked up at the starry sky above her. She had always loved stars, the moon she found even more fascinating but stars were like magical lights to her. She liked sneaking out of Erebor at night just so she could come see the moon and stars. They only made this moment more magical.

"I love you Terry." Frerin murmured before gently pressing another kiss to her lips.

"I love you too my dearest prince Frerin." Replied Terwyn.

"I promise you when you become of age in a year you will be my princess!" Frerin told her and at this, Terwyn immediately wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him fervently. Maybe what the little voices in her head always said was going to be true after all "dreams do come true!"

After the feast, Frerin and Terwyn were inseparable. When Thror or Thrain were around they acted as if nothing happened, as if everything was the same as before. Terwyn as a loyal follower and Frerin as an exemplary prince. But once the king and prince were away, no one could get Frerin or Terwyn apart. They did everything together and several dwarves already knew all about their relationship. Frerin often went out with Terwyn, he knew some secret places around the mountain where no one found them and so they could be cosy together, just the two of them alone against the rest of the world. Frerin was all Terwyn needed to be completely happy and Terwyn was all Frerin wanted to make his job as a prince easier and get up every day with a smile.

In between sword-fighting lessons, archery and all other princely duties, Frerin was always with Terwyn. Every hug, every kiss made them more complete. Dis and Thorin knew about their little brother and his great love Terwyn and had nothing against this, Thorin had found it risky at first and was not sure how to handle it but Dis kept repeating how she had seen it coming for a long time. This way they didn't have to hide them from them anymore either.

Soon Terwyn and Frerin were making a game of finding challenging places where they could make love to each other. Once, they had almost been discovered kissing on their way to the throne room. They managed to run away just in time and hide behind a pillar before King Thror and Thrain also came around the corner, too busy talking to some guards. Frerin pulled Terwyn with him to hide behind the pillar while Terwyn only wished no one heard or saw them. Suddenly Terwyn's breathing seemed all too loud.

Philophobia - Thorin Oakenshield - English versionWhere stories live. Discover now