Part 12

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Suddenly Terwyn heard the sound of a very familiar horn.

"They're here!'" She muttered accordingly with Fain nodding.

"Now, you have to push Terwyn, Frerin will be here soon!" She tried to encourage Terwyn. She had not lied then. Less than ten minutes later, Frerin walked into the room and immediately knelt down next to Terwyn.

"Darling is everything all right?" He asked, panic reflected in his eyes. Terwyn only nodded somewhat reluctantly and then grabbed Frerin's hand ready to bring the baby into the world.

A little later, Fain laid a healthy baby wrapped in a cloth on Terwyn's chest "Congratulations you have a daughter!" She said with Frerin pressing a kiss to Terwyn's sweaty forehead "She's beautiful!" The dwarf prince murmured.

"What are you going to call her?" Asked Fain with Terwyn looking at her newborn girl affectionately for a moment "Teylin." She spoke with Fain and Frerin nodding approvingly. "That means harp." Said Frerin with a smile.

"You still play your harp don't you?" Terwyn asked.

"When I find time yes." He softly said.

"Well I'll leave you alone for a while." Fain finally said whereby Terwyn and Frerin could enjoy their first child for a whole night.

Over the next few days, the young parents would take their child everywhere and everyone everywhere had presents for the child. From toys to teddy bears and clothes. Even King Gror had a gift for the child, namely a warm animal pelt made of wolf skin. Terwyn was overjoyed, and Frerin also took his duty as a father very seriously.

"Don't cry my sweet Teylin, look around you there's nothing to be sad about. You have a mother and father who love you to bits. You are royalty, loved by all the people of this kingdom. You receive so many presents, so much attention. You're so young and innocent no harm will come to you my darling daughter I promise you that." Frerin whispered to Teylin as she cried at night.

Terwyn smiled hearing his words and walked up to him pressing a soft kiss on his cheek.

"She does not care about presents or royalty my love. All she cares about is us cleaning her diapers and feeding her milk. Come I think she's hungry again." Terwyn smiled taking the child from Frerin's arm.

"Hungry? Again?" Frerin mumbled in surprise.

Terwyn laughed "Why does that surprise you my prince? She is her father's daughter after all isn't she?"

Frerin now laughed as Terwyn started feeding the baby which immediately made her stop crying.

"Well she already looks enough like you, it's good she has a bit of my character then." Frerin spoke kissing Terwyn's forehead and sitting down on the bed next to her.

He took a deep breath as he wrapped his arms around both Terwyn and the child.

"I love you both so, so much." He spoke with so much emotion in his voice it nearly made Terwyn tear up, when she looked up at her prince and noticed the loving way he was staring at them a smile broke through on her lips.

"Promise me we'll always be like this?" She whispered.

Frerin kissed her softly before nodding. "Of course, I promise." He whispered back.

A week after Teylin's birth, Terwyn, Frerin and their daughter sat picnicking on the hillside in the shade of the trees where the occasional fresh breeze and a few rays of sun shone through. Just as Terwyn took her daughter in her arms, a servant approached with a letter for Frerin. The prince thanked the young dwarf and carefully opened the letter. It was from Erebor so of course he was curious who sent it, maybe it came from Thorin or Dis. Neither, however, was the case.

The letter came from Thror, who had heard about the pregnancy and knew that Terwyn had given birth in the meantime. He therefore asked that the brand-new young couple to come home so that the child could grow up in the environment where it belonged. Where Frerin also belonged, that is, especially. Terwyn was therefore not at all happy with the letter.

"Why should we return to Erebor so he can have his grandson back?" She growled after Frerin had read the entire letter.

"He won't get his hands on my child!" The dwarf woman said stubbornly.

"Terwyn Erebor remains our home. We grew up there, we got to know each other there, the mountain will be part of our lives forever. The child is safe with us anyway, you don't have to worry about grandfather anymore, I won't let him do anything to you!" Promised the prince.

"How can you stop him?" She then mumbled.

"Terry, listen to me! If we don't go he'll send his soldiers to pick us up anyway, now if we just go back to Erebor in a grown-up way and introduce him to his great-grandchild everything will be fine!" Said the prince. At this, Terwyn remained pondering for a long time. She stared ahead in silence or looked at Teylin.

"I will sleep on it for a night, tomorrow I can decide my prince." She therefore said softly with Frerin nodding understandingly.

"As you wish dear!" He replied. After this, he escorted Terwyn back to her room where they put Teylin to sleep and just enjoyed each other's company themselves.

Terwyn had barely slept that night, but her mind was made up. She could not hide in the Iron Hills forever, she missed Dis who was apparently also expecting. She missed Thorin, she almost dared not admit it but she herself missed the mountain with its many beautiful spots to unwind for a while. Frerin also seemed happy to hear this decision and so they soon started gathering their things together. By evening, everything was ready for departure, although they would not leave until the next day, led by a group of King Gror's bodyguards.

That evening, they then sat down to dine with the king, Dain and Fain. Terwyn had to admit that she would do miss this place especially dear Fain whom she had partly come to see as a mother. But also the honourable Dain would be one she'd miss spending time with. Frerin therefore promised that they would visit often enough something Terwyn also fervently hoped for.

Frerin tucked little Teylin into bed while Terwyn said her goodbyes to Fain, Dain and King Gror. The next morning, the trio left early; even before the sun rose, the bodyguards were ready for the journey. Terwyn remembered so well how scared and lost she first arrived here and how scared she now left again. Yet she felt stronger, she had changed because of everything she had been through in the past few months, she had learned from it and now that she had a beautiful daughter and Frerin at her side again, she found renewed energy to face king Thror once more.

Philophobia - Thorin Oakenshield - English versionWhere stories live. Discover now