Part 14

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Days, weeks, even several years passed quietly. Erebor was becoming an ever-growing empire, the mountain's prosperity growing better than ever.

Recently, Thror was called the king of all dwarves, for when digging for gold, they had found a very special diamond. Thror called this diamond the Arkenstone. The jewel of the one and only king, he saw it as a sign that he was destined to be king under the mountain. All the kings from the surrounding lands had sworn their allegiance to Thror.

Therefore, things could not have gone better, or so Terwyn thought. Of course, good times are always followed by bad, so Terwyn and Frerin woke up one bright day to hear the news that Frerin would have to go to war. All this time, there hadn't been any more wars, until now.
Little Teylin was only 5 years old, Dis also had a son of that age and another on the way. So although the women would know what to do in the absence of their partners, they felt even worse now letting go of their husbands with such little kids. So before leaving, Terwyn held her prince close as possible and made him promise to come back. While doing so, he kissed his princess passionately, hugged Teylin and then proudly set off to war with King Thror, his father Thrain and brother Thorin in front. Although Dis and Terwyn were clearly on the tips of their toes in the following days, the children soon seemed to get over their grief and were comfortable that their father would return and be fine. Terwyn therefore tried to spend as much time as possible with Teylin or often sat together with Dis talking while little Teylin and Fili who were of course best friends played with each other.

The children would turn the whole mountain upside down if they could, playing hide-and-seek in Thror's treasure chambers, tagging through the throne room running up and down stairs like no other.

Terwyn was pleased that her daughter was so happy and carefree, she never had to worry about anything, that was how Terwyn wanted her child to grow up too. After a month had passed, Terwyn and Dis walked with their children through the corridors of Erebor on their way to put their them to bed after a long day of playing. Having refreshed and changed their clothes, the children themselves crawled tiredly into bed after which Terwyn told them a story.

Dis had gone to fetch Fili his cuddly toy after which she also handed it over so that both young dwarfs soon fell asleep. Terwyn put the book away again and then walked to the corridor.

"Is there still no news?" She then asked Dis now that the children were asleep. The woman shook her head disappointedly.

"How long could it possibly take to win?" She sighed. Terwyn nodded "All we can do is hope everything goes well." This one muttered after which Dis suddenly went silent.

"Dis?" Asked Terwyn then as she watched Dis place a hand against her heavily pregnant belly.

"Oh this is so the wrong time." The woman muttered with Terwyn immediately springing into action. "Come on, let's get you to a comfortable bed." Said Terwyn.

"Don't worry, I mean Frerin was gone when Teylin was born too, we can do this quite well on our own!" She reassured Dis. After Dis was in her room, Terwyn quickly went to get some help.

In no time, Dis had given birth to a beautiful son.

"What are you going to name him?" Asked Terwyn as she wrapped the little dwarf in cloths and handed them to Dis.

"Kili." Dis muttered slightly exhausted.

"My little Kili." She softly said. Secretly, Terwyn did want more babies with Frerin but that would come once things calmed down again and Frerin could stay with her. They still had plenty of time for that sort of thing.

A few days later, Fili and Teylin came running down the mountain from the small town of Dale shouting that the army was returning. Frerin, along with Thorin and their father, walked right behind the king which naturally made Teylin run towards him, Terwyn following her daughter. It was a happy reunion for Dis and Farin now that Dis not only had Fili with her but could also show little Kili to his father. That night there was a double celebration, both for the safe return and for Kili's birth. Erebor had not seen celebrations like this since the birth of the first little prince or the return of Terwyn and her daughter. So it took until the next morning before the last dwarves retreated to their rooms.

Philophobia - Thorin Oakenshield - English versionWhere stories live. Discover now