Chapter 5 (Shuji?....Chibi?!)

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(Narrator pov)

As the brunette walk through the front door. He was greeted by a raven haired male with a malicious smile and evil intent behind his eyes.

"Hello Father." Says the Burnette, standing, waiting for a response.

After several minutes, the raven haired man, then started to speak "Shuji! Oh how I've have missed you dearly. School days are so long. Why don't you come and visit me at my office during your break?" The man's voice sounded playful, yet had a hidden threat behind it.

" I'm sorry Father. But it would raise great suspicion if I were to come to your office every day....Mori you already know this as we've got over the topic before. Is there anything you need me to do before the end of the day?" The Burnett was robotic- there is no emotion behind it, nor was there any emotion displayed on his face.

His eyes seemed like black holes ready to devour anything that passes by. The male had bandages wrapping around his neck and arms from what can be seen.

Red can be seen seeping in past the bandages on his left arm, but he did not feel any pain.

The male felt nothing currently, the only thing he really wanted at the moment was to die.

But after so many failed attempts the male known as Dazai, come to the realization that death did not like him very much. It would stay away from him and make him live his life- his very sad, depressing, painful life. The reaper would have no remorse for him...
none whatsoever.

The raven haired male now known as Mori, or Dazai's Father. Started to speak once again. "Ah nothing, there's nothing I need you to do currently- or at this very moment. But later I would like you to come to my room so we can continue what we started yesterday. Okay? Shuji?"

The raven haired man was met with silence.

"Shuji do you understand? Do I make myself clear?" Mori said sternly. The tone of his voice gave off the feeling that there was no leeway. There was no backing out no matter how hard you tried.

" understood" the Burnett squeaked out, Then left for his sleeping quarters.

On the way to his room, the brunette couldn't stop thinking about anything and everything. His mind is going 100 miles an hour and it didn't seem like it was gonna slow down anytime soon.

He sighs as he opens his door to his room in plops down on his bed.

(Dazai's pov)

'*sigh* today was exhausting. no- not because of the schoolwork. The schoolwork is far too easy. It was the bullying, the new student, and the constant rumors is going on. Not to mention Mori. Blegh...Mori out of all people why did he have to be my father? Not to mention he still calls me by that stupid name. I can't stand him.....'

I thought, as I slowly drifted off to sleep.

After sometime, I wake up in my childhood house- the kitchen to be specific.

It seems I was about five at the time.
I was walking over to my mother to show her something I had just learned from my biology book I had just borrowed from the library.

But as I approach the kitchen, I heard yelling. a male and a female voice yelling back and forth at each other.

The closer I got the more I heard, and understood the words full with venom and hatred.

They were.... Talking about me?

When the people were finally in my view. I saw a brunette woman and a raven haired man having a very heated disagreement.

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