Chapter 11 (im sorry)

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(Narrators pov)

The ginger sighed, as the brunette finally succumb to sleep.

He didn't quite know what to do with the situation at Hand. But he promised that he was going to help the Burnette in anyway he could. So he was going to do just that.

Shortly after calming himself down, he picks up the brunette bridal style, and walks the in the direction of his house. Heading home.

His mind is full of all kinds of questions, and things he's not quite sure of. But one thing for sure was that he was going to help the sleeping brunette. He was going to do everything he could to protect him. To cherish him- to make sure he felt loved.

As he arrived at his house, he knocked upon the door, and after a couple of minutes, a pink haired women open the door. A worried look rose upon her face.

"Chuuya?! what's wrong? What happened? Are you all right?" The woman showered him with questions.

" who is this? Do you need me to grab Yosano?"
She continued worry, was all she felt at that current moment.

"Ane-san- Ane-san! Everything is fine. As for the kid in my arms... his name is Dazai. We're friends and classmates. He's the guy I've been hanging out with these past couple of weeks. The one I told you about?" The ginger paused Voice slightly shaky from the incident that happened not too long ago.

" can we come in?"

"Oh! I'm sorry chuuya! Of course, of course"
She said, as she moved out of the way so they can come in

" as for getting yosano, I don't know if that'll be necessary. But we wait until he wakes up....ane-san I'm really worried about him. I don't know what to do." The ginger continued.

" I'm not really sure what's happening with him- but he was getting bullied for who knows how long and- and he didn't even- stop it. He just sat there, taking the punches-" The ginger rambled on before getting cut off by the woman

"Chuuya, sweetie. First you need to calm down. Please... take a few breaths and calm your mind."

Chuuya did as told. Taking deep breath before exhaling. Calming himself, so he was in the right state of mind.

" next, you shouldn't be talking to me about this. He's your friend. You should get your answers from him. I know the wait might be unbearable. But your friends, aren't you?
So, Just talk it out. I promise you everything will be fine in the end....... He needs you right now. By the looks of it he's been crying. He needs comfort, and you to be next to him. So don't let him down. Kay?" Her voice was gentle and soft.

Although she doesn't know what happened, she can make a guess. She knew the ginger Needed comfort, but she also knew that that comfort shouldn't come from her. She looked at the brunette boy with worry. She couldn't help but feel sorry for the young lad. Though she didn't know him, she could guess by the bandages, blood, and tears. It was nothing good.

Chuuya nodded, as he took a deep breath.
"Okay... thank you...ane-san. I'm gonna take him into my room and lay him down. he looks like he hasn't slept or eaten in a while. Do you think when he wakes up you can make him something to eat?.... we've been eating lunch together but he doesn't touch his food..." for some reason ginger was hesitant in asking for this request.
He knew the woman in front of him would not reject the request. But some part of him wanted to protect the brunette from anything and everything. He knew that the woman would never do anything to hurt anyone unless necessary. But he couldn't help but worry.

" of course Deary, let me know when he wakes up. So when you guys are finished talking, the food will be ready... remember everything will be fine" the pink haired woman said with a gentle smile on her face.

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