Chapter 8 (

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(narrator pov)

A ginger can be seen waiting in front of the school, their expression shows that they're slightly irritated.

No one knows how long he's been waiting...

After a couple minutes, a brunette shows up

"Ah chibi! I'm so sorry for making you wait." the brunette says.

The ginger turns around to look at the taller. Only for his expression to change from irritation to worry.

"W-what the hell happened!?"
The shorter exclaimed

The taller can be seen with dirt, grime and blood on him. Like He had just gotten out of a fight.

"Ah a-about that- no need to worry!
I just forgot to clean myself up !"
The brunette says in a cheerful tone. His wounds look painful, but his expression says otherwise.

" no, no, we're going to my house. My ma is a doctor. I'm gonna have her look at you." The ginger says, in a stern tone, as he grabs the brunettes, arm and start pulling him.

"Chibi- chibi, I'm fine. No doctors necessary. We better hurry and hang out before I have to go home."
The brunette says his expression changes to a gloomier one at the mention of his home

" the next time I see you like this we are taking you to see her" the ginger says no room for discussion

A smile appears in the brunettes face
"Kay... I didn't know you cared so much for me, chi~bi~. "
The brunette says as he wiggle his eyebrows

" shut your trap. Are we hanging out or not?" The ginger says a playful, irritated tone.

"Yup! Let's go to the mall!" The taller said as he grabs the shorters wrist and runs.

"H-hey wait up! Stop pulling! Let go!
I can run on my own" the older exclaimed

" no can-do Shorty!"

" stop with my size jack*ss I'm only 16 I'm still growing. Freaking idiot."
He mumbled the last portion

" whatever you say chibi!"

" are you gonna let go now?"

" nope"
The brunette said, with a cheeky grin


" did- did you just say "sigh""

"Yes, yes I did. Okay now hurry up and get us to the mall"

" Okie-dokie!"
The brunette says while laughing

——————-{after the mall}————-

The two can be seen sitting on a rooftop, looking out at the sunset.

The ginger muttered under his breath

" yeah, beautiful isn't it? I used to come here with my mother....

We were just sit here and talk about...things we didn't get to talk about at home."

" she was a lovely woman"
The hazel eyed man whispered
Sorrow filling his expression , as he looks down

" your mother?"
The older asked, letting his curiosity get the better of him

"Mhm- dazai Ophelia"

" she sounds like a great person"

" she w-is, she is"
The brunette smile saddened

But a smile was prominent on his face


" Well, I better get going, my father is going to kill me if I don't be home before the sun sets completely."

"Mh? Oh okay... see you at school tomorrow."

"Yup, do you need help getting back to your house?"

" no, I'm familiar with the neighborhood, just not the school."

"Kay... understood. See you tomorrow."

Is all the brunette said before he took off in the direction of his house

—————{once he arrived}——-

"Shuji! Do you know how late it is?
It's half past six. Your curfew is six... Where were you?!"

"Mori... I was, I was hanging out with a friend."

"Shuji, fine come on"
Said the Raven haired man

Yet the brunette didn't budge

" sorry, Mori but I have school tomorrow. We can't do this tonight."

" oh..? But I'm the principal I can just excuse your absence. Come on."
His voice sterner now and smile dropped
But still
Trying to act playful

" no I have to go to school tomorrow- I have an important math test"
The brunette said, trying to negotiate his way out of the situation

" I said, come on! I don't care if you have a test or not. Now go, Before I use force."

The brunettes expression, was emotionless, no emotion was prominent on his face. He just nodded.

Giving up his will to fight
Knowing he will not win

The older man smiled, a malicious smile, an evil smile.

" good, follow me"
Is what he said before walking out of the room

The brunette nodded and followed
Like a puppet


They walked down the hall,
Then down a flight of stairs into the basement

They arrive at a room where there is nothing but a table and a chair.

The brunette body moves before he even realizes, he sits down on the chair as his father ties him down.

" you ready?"
Is all the Raven haired man said before he started

He grabbed his scalpel, then started making long vertical, cuts down his left arm, blood seeping through the cuts as he continues.

This Goes on for a while. Cutting, stitching repeating.

Eventually, he brings out a syringe full of bright blue liquid.

And yet, the brunette doesn't flinch. 

he just sits there waiting for this torture to pass.

The way he is acting, makes it seem like this is definitely not the first time. Nor will it be the last.


After what seems to be ages.

The Raven haired man untied the brunette and leaves the room.

On the other hand, the brunette has no energy, his arm sting, and his legs hurt.

Both fully covered with bandages again
He doubt he'll be able to walk tomorrow

' what did I do to deserve this? mom are you there? I miss you. I wish you ran away. I hate you.

I hate you for leaving me here.


I was a kid why?'

The brunette thought as his conscious started to slip away.

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