Chapter 6 (naka- hara? Chu-uya?)

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(Dazai's pov)

I'm on the ground. How? I have no clue.
One minute I was walking on the hall going to my next class... now I'm on the floor in the hall with a ginger(?) yelling at me.

Oh wait. This is the...chibi, that I ran into this morning.

Come on, you know you deserve the yelling. Your mother didn't even want you. Poor little Dazai. You're just Mori's  little puppet. Good for nothing- waste of space.

I snap out of my thoughts when I realized the ginger was yelling at me with a concerned(?) look.

'Why would he be concerned about me? I don't understand human emotion very well. it's easier to read someone but not easy to understand...'

' eyes are the window to the soul. They tell you everything you wanna know. they can tell you how you're feeling even if you decide you wanna hide it. You can't hide the feeling in your eyes... or at least humans can't.'

"A-ah chibi! Sorry I didn't mean to bump in to you?" The last part is my like a question. After all, I still don't know what happened.

" instead of laying there like a total idiot, get up class is about to start, and I do not want to be late because of this.
And stop with the stupid nickname. Come on! I'm only 16 I'm still growing!"

"Okay...okay chi-... umm what's your name? I can't really call you something other than this name if I don't know your actual name."

The ginger, then blushed(?) 'aw, he's feeling embarrassed.'

"Ah..oh right.... Umm I'm Nakahara chuuya. s- never mind. And yours?"

"Ah yes me, my lovely name is Dazai osamu. Nakahara you're the new student, right? I remember you sitting next to me in first period yesterday. Do you need help getting to your next class?"

"Oh, um, sure"
'chibi is still embarrassed. How cute.'
' wait, what?! Cute? Cute! How- when?
I can't! Mori's gonna kill me. He can't find out... he won't find out.
After all lying is my specialty.'

"Okay then chi- Nakahara... what's your class?"

" it's math with mr. Kunikida. Remember, we had the same class. Idiot."
He says, as he mumbles the last word

" right! Okay then if we go!"

(Chuuya's pov)

'Dazai? Dazai, right? That's his name.
Something is off about him... no one is this happy. Especially teenagers. Well, maybe I'm the exception. of course I'm happy I have my mother and her wife. Maybe I should talk to her when I get home.... Dazai Osamu, what are mysterious person you are. '

I snap out of my thoughts when I realize we're in front of class.

Dazai and I both sit back in the seats. We were in yesterday. Sitting right next to each other.

After we sit down ,Dazai looks out the window clearly uninterested in the lesson we're learning.

I look over at him as I get lost in my thoughts again.

' why do I even care about him?! he's an no- a person I don't know. We're not even friends or acquaintances. So why can't you get out of my head. *sigh* Something keeps telling me something is wrong. Not wrong with him but- his-
The feeling I get when I'm around him. it's warm yet warning. Like it's warning me not to get close to him. I don't know... nothing is for sure yet. Maybe I should get to know him more before I would start making up assumptions.'

The bell snaps me out of my thoughts. That's when I realize I've been thinking the whole class time.

I walk back over to Dazai, hoping to get to know him and look for my next class.

He seemed to still be lost and thought as I walked over to his desk he swiftly turned his head around and flinched.

"Ah nakahara don't startle people like that. You can give them a heart attack.
Do you want me to die?  That would be very cruel if you if you did."
His voice was very playful and upbeat like he doesn't take much of anything seriously...

" Well, I was wondering if you wanted to help me look for my next class. I found it yesterday, but I got lost during it so I don'y know the right way to get there."

" of course Chibi! I would love to help you! Besides, if you just wanted to spend some more time with me, could've just asked."

" yeah right. Why would I want to spend time with you? You're the one who offered remember that."

" of course Nakahara. I will."
His smile slightly faltered before he collected himself

" so~ what's your next class?"

" it's *******. "

"Ah okay. I'm right next-door. And then it seems like we switch after.

So after class is done, let's meet up for lunch so I can show you to your next class after and show you around. Kay?"

" sure- that sounds fine. Th-thanks for the help."

" of course bye for now! Chibi!"

" I told you to stop calling me that stupid name. Still growing idiot!"

He waves me off as he goes into his class.

(Dazai's pov)

'Nakahara, chuuya, huh?
Something is different about him. I fear he's gonna learn something he's gonna regret.

Getting too close to him will only hurt him more, so I better distance myself from him sooner rather than later.

After all, everything I want and wish for... loses the moment I obtain it...

I am like a plague- a virus. The more you stay with me the more you hurt.'

————————-{authors note}———————-

Hello! I hope you are enjoying my story so far.
I have just realized that in chapter 1 I mentioned that Mori was drinking.
(it has been changed/edited!)

That was an accident. I changed my story halfway through writing the second chapter.
So Mori doesn't drink or anything.
I just wanted to clear that up.

Bye-bye! Have a great rest of your day/evening!

A small glimmer of hopeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon