Ch. 12 (are you ready for the check up?)

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(Dazai pov)

As Chuuya and I finished eating, a woman with a butterfly clip in her purple hair. The pink haired woman that Chuuya calls Ane-San walks over to her and gives her a kiss on the cheek.

" welcome home darling! How was work?"

' darling...? But- isn't that what mori call Mother... Ophelia all the time....' I thought as the image of her on the kitchen floor flashed before me.

I must've either shown it on my face or have unintentionally tensed because next thing I know chuuya is sitting in front of me with a worried look

"...Chuuya is something wrong? Why are you giving me that look?" I asked, although I already knew the answer

" pardon the intrusion, ma'am. I am Dazai Osamu. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance." I said I got off the chair I was sitting on and bowed

" oh! Please, there's no need for that. It is great to meet you Dazai, I am akiko yosano.

Kouyou? You never told me we were going to have a guest today."

'Ah okay, so she's the doctor. She doesn't look like she has any ill intent. But She's a doctor.
Mori was a doctor... but he was different. He didn't care for my well-being at all he just... did whatever he wanted.'

"Mrs. Yosano, my visit was... unplanned. But I am chuuya's friend from school... we, go to the same classes, and I helped him on the first day.." i pause awkwardly. Talking was never really my strong suit.

Mrs. Yosano chuckled at my poor attempt of communication. " don't worry dear, Things like that happen a lot, so it's understandable. There's no need to be so tense." She trying to ease my awkwardness.

"Ma-" chuuya started before getting cut off by Dazai

"Chuuya, can I talk to you first?" I whispered discomfort was clearly present on my face.

" sure, is something wrong?"

I shook my head
" no, not at all I just- I don't know if I'm entirely comfortable with..." a trail off

"Hm? Oh okay then. You don't have to do it if you don't want to."

" darling-" kouyou started

"Kouyou-San please stop calling her that!" I yelled with desperation, clearly, unaware of what I've done

The room goes silent. Not a thing can be heard as they all stared at me and disbelief.
I guess I made the impression that I was a calm and collected individual. So me snapping was a shock.

"Wait- I... didn't- mean to. I swear- I swear I didn't mean to. I'm so sorry kouyou-San." I said, as I waved my hands around.

" please forgive me I didn't mean to snap or shout disrespectfully. It came up before I was able to think." I spoke quickly as I bowed

" dazai? Are you all right? Do you need to take a breather?" Chuuya said from behind me, snapping me out of my panic

"Huh?" I say, confused as I look up and scan the room

They were all looking at me with... worry. My whole entire life I've never actually had people who worried about me... ironic isn't it?

But the look kouyou-San is giving me... it's almost... Motherly? Like the look, Ophelia gave me when she was alive... why can't that woman get out of my head. She's dead! Dazai! There's nothing you can do to change it because you killed her! You didn't even try to save her you just shook her like an idiot. You really are pathetic.

" Ophelia.." I'm mumbled out, as I looked over chuuya

"Huh? Who is that Dazai?" he asked clearly confused.

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