Chapter7 (getting to know you)

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(Narrator pov)

Dazai Osamu, a brunette boy with bandages, covering his arms and neck from what can be seen. he wears a tan coat/jacket and looks very lost and thought, as he gazes outside the window.

The view is calming and can bring a smile to almost anyone's face.

.... The cherry blossoms are in bloom.
The pink flowers showering down like rain on a stormy day. The concrete is no longer a Borish grey color, it's now different shades of a vibrant pink.

The school bell rings, indicating that class is now over and lunch has started.

The boy gets up his chair and goes to meet the ginger he promised not to leave behind.

"Ah chibi! You waited. I'm so glad."
He says, in a childish manner

" of course idiot, you said you were gonna show me around. I would get lost, if I didn't know my way around this place." The hot tempered ginger responded with an eye roll.

"Okay- okay~ I understand. Well, then let's get going!"
The brunette says as he starts speedily walking down the hallway

" hey, hey idiot! Don't leave me behind!"
The ginger yells as he picks up his paste, to follow the brunette.

" it's not my fault you're short!"
Retorts the brunette

" shut up a*shole"

" whatever you say, chibi!"

The bickering continues during and after the tour. As well as when they eat lunch.

If you didn't know any better, they would look like a couple arguing back-and-forth.

... the eyes are the window to the soul...

Not everyone knows this. The ginger, he looks genuinely happy and slightly irritated, of course.

But the brunette, the brunette eyes are a void. Cry for help, even if he knows no one will come. No one will listen to. A void that swallow everything in its path and nothing will stop it.

But he would never be able to guess this. As the taller is always laughing and smiling. Through the bullying and everything else going on in his life. You would never be able to guess what's truly gone wrong.


(Chuuya pov)

Dazai asked. His voice, gentle and calm.

" yeah?" I responded with a similar tone.

" let's hang out more... is that all right with you?" His voice is so soft. As a if it'll break at any moment.

" I guess- *sigh* I guess I'll hang out with you Mackerel." I say, in a genuine tone with a tad bit of play-ish annoyance.

" Mackerel? Where did that nickname come from? Chibi?"
The youngers voice is now back to normal, it's cheery and annoying tone

" you look like a fish, a Mackerel. A blue mackerel, floating in the sky."
I say, as I look into the sky.

" sure whatever you say slug"
He responds with a smirk

"Ugh Whatever. You tacky b*stard."

"Are we coming up with nicknames now Chibikko?"

" what the hell!? Stop calling me short! You're the freaking giant! I'm only 16. I'm still growing you *sshole!"
I say, slowly getting louder. Feeling the annoyance grow.

"Whatever you said, Nakahara."

" Okay are you trying to get on my nerves?! First you give me these lousy nicknames, and second you go back to using my actual name. Like what the hell man?!


When did you wanna meet up? Are we only meeting up at school or did you wanna meet up outside of school?"
I say returning to the original topic

"Ah yes we're back to the original topic.
Whenever. I don't really care. I mean I'd prefer if we do it sometime after school, if you wanted to meet up outside of school. I can't really go out on weekends."
He turns grim after speaking, the last sentence.

"Mh, understood. not a big deal. I'll just have to ask my mother. If I can hang out after school, cool?"

" yeah... AnyWho~ I have to get going now, I still have to meet up with the principal and a Yuan's friend group."
He switches to a happier look.

"Yuan? What does she want with you?"
I say curiosity getting the better of me

"Oh you know her? Well- never mind. We can meet after my meeting."

"Mh" I say, contemplating my answer
"Sure, why not. Let me just text my mom"

"Kay~ let's meet up at the cherry blossom tree to the west of the school entrance."

"Yeah, sure. That works."

"Kay see you then!"
He responds as he gets up and starts to walk in the direction of the principal's office

' I wonder why got all doom and gloom. After mentioning the weekend. Eh none of my business or concern. I don't even know why I care so much about that idiot. Don't even know him.'

(Dazai's pov)

'Why do I care so much about him? I don't even know him.'

A small glimmer of hopeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora