Ch. 14 (mori...)

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(Dazai's pov)

It has been a week since the incident happened...Chuuya and I haven't talked about it much- if any.. but I know he's worried, but at the same time he knows that I don't want to talk about it. Kouyou-san and Yosano-san are actually very kind people and are avoiding talking about the subject. Oh- and there letting me stay with them for the time being...but I think it's also because yosano-san wants to monitor my physical health, as well as my intake of food.

I haven't gone 'home' yet, but I know it's inevitable. Mori, he will do something soon. After all when he doesn't get his way, he doesn't hesitate to get his hands dirty.

Chuuya and I have gotten close...we hang out all school day. But I think fyodor has noticed. I mean how could he not? The first person I talk to or associate with on my own, was and is chuuya... This will cause problems... Oh! But on the plus side, Yuan and her gang haven't bugged me yet.

It's now lunchtime, and chuuya and I are going to the roof to have lunch.

"Come on chibi! We should go to the mall again! It was so much fun" I said trying to convince the ginger

"Hell no! You just want to drag me to the children clothes! I'm not that short and I'm still growi-"
The blue eyed ginger got cut off by the intercom

"Dazai Osamu and Nakahara Chuuya please report to the principal's office."

As soon as those words left the intercom, I knew who wanted us... what they wanted with us. Something was nagging at me, telling me to run away. Protect chuuya, do not let him face That man in that office.

But before I could get too deep into thought, Chuuya had cut me off.

" what the hell?! What did you do this time? And why am I being called? honestly, Mackerel what did you do?" The short ginger standing off to my right said

"Aww~ Chibi! Whatever do you mean? How dare you accuse me of such a thing! I promise I never did anything wrong." I pause as I drop the playful expression, and start in a cold and serious tone

" but don't worry... I know what's wrong, and what we did...Nothing too serious chibi... just please prepare yourself....

And please don't leave me" I'm mumbled the last five words, as chuuya stopped in his tracks, looking at me with a worried expression

"Hey? I promised I was gonna stay by your side didn't I? So don't go thinking I'm ever gonna run off on you... whatever this is, we'll get through it together, Kay?" His voice was genuine and laced with concern, as he looked up at me.

This calm, concerned, and compassionate ginger in front of me, hah-! I wouldn't believe anyone if they told me this is what he acted like once they got to know him. he was so hot-tempered and aggressive and like to yell before. Not this- I'm gonna be here for you and I'm never gonna leave you- type thing...

I smile at the thought before putting my happy façade back on

"Yeah, yeah. I know- I know~ you're never gonna leave me alone again. Cause you're too attached to me. I know you love me and all but like don't be afraid to express your feelings. Besides chibi! You're so easy to read." I say teasing the snot out of the shorter Male

"Tch whatever, let's hurry up I don't wanna be in more trouble than we already are." The ginger says before picking up the pace a little bit

"Okay- whatever you say chibi" I say before catching up

————-—-{At the principal's office}—————

" you nervous?" I asked the ginger standing next to me as we faced the office door.

" me? Nervous? Yeah, right. This isn't the first time I've been called to the principals office, dazai." he retorted, clearly a little uneasy about the situation

" it'll be fine, just- don't say anything else I tell you you can. Or just stay silent."

These words made the ginger feel even more uneasy

"Uh- sure..." he said awkwardly

Shortly after those words left his mouth, I reached for the doorhandle and twisted it, pushing the door open.

There we see a raven haired male sitting at the desk.

Chuuya is walking slightly behind me, kind of hiding himself. As I walk up to the male, he has a sinister and mischievous smile creep on to his face.

"Dazai! There you are! You took so long I almost thought you forgot about me." The raven pouted before continuing "ah- pardon me, where are my manners? Hello Nakahara Chuuya, I hope the school so far has been to your liking..."

Chuuya had simply nodded Before looking up at me for reassurance. The raven haired man started to speak as the attention went to him. 

"So dazai... where have you been? You haven't been home in a week, I know for a fact you haven't stayed at that friend Oda's house cause I went to check... so where have you been staying?"

"Mori-san... I swear if you did anything to oda I won't be answering any of your questions."
I started before getting cut off

"Ah, no. Sadly. Your precious little friend is fine. I heard you're getting close to Nakahara. Is there anything you would like to tell me?" He continued as he smiled, a malicious and evil filled smile

"Nakahara-san, has no part in my absence. We have just gotten to know each other recently, so there is nothing more, and nothing less. We are nothing more than acquaintances at most. I don't know what you're trying to do. But I promise you it's not gonna work. Besides, don't you have Elise to bug and have fun with, why do you need me?"

" because, dazai-kun you are far too fun to toy with..."

(Chuuya's pov)

Fun to toy with? What the hell is their relationship? Dazai's acting so cold and calm... not his normal, energetic, overdramatic self.


Mori? Didn't he say that was the name of his father? So the principal is his father? God! This is bad, but why doesn't he want to get me involved? I know he said he was abusive, is he trying to protect me?

I snapped out of my thoughts as I feel a squeeze on my hand, it was Dazai. he had squeeze my hand out of reinsurance, realizing that I connected the dots. His expression was cold and emotionless the same as when I saw him that day...

"Dazai. You better come home soon before something bad happens. And I'm pretty sure you already know what will happen when you come home. And what might happen if you don't. You will face the consequences of your actions accordingly, or else."

"Mori, is this really necessary to say this all in front of Nakahara? I'm surprised. You never like to share things to people you don't know. Especially if it's stuff about this subject. There's no need for you to be all panicked and worried.
Don't worry I'll return your doll and guinea pig, this evening. But it requires an explanation to the poor child next to me. Do you want to explain it or should I?" His voice was so cold and out of character. It was shocking to say the least.

Getting an explanation, that sounds interesting. I just hoped that he would have talked about it on his own, without having to be rushed or pushed.

"Ah, tsk tsk dazai, we both know you already knew what we were gonna talk about. So there is no need for me to explain, this was all your doing. Now if you wouldn't mind, I have work to get back to... you may take the rest of the day off, both of you. But I expect to see you tonight.

Got it?"

" understood mori-san, see you tonight"
Is all the Burnette said before he pulling me out of the room

A small glimmer of hopeDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora